2010年9月26日 星期日


劉懿萱  2010/9/23









2010年9月24日 星期五





2010年9月22日 星期三



group D1


















group D2 






group D3





This is the third day in Shang Hai, until now we visit ten pavilions, every pavilion we expect at least one hour, although it is tired, but we still exciting to visit other pavilions.

Today we went to Taiwan pavilion, because that is our country, and that is very great to go to, we use tea to connect the relationship with the whole world.

We also went to see circus. The circus was great. Each performer used their special skill to give us a perfect perform. The performers danced with colorful silks. They rode motorcycles in a big ball that represented the earth. And they were very understand to each others that each part of their perform was so great.


This is the second day of our visiting to Shanghai Expo. For the past 2 days we’ve travelled through part of the Shanghai city and one day in Expo. Today, we visited Mexican, Turkish and most importantly the Taiwan Pavilion.

At the first stop of the day, we went to the Taiwan pavilion, we were expecting to go through really quickly since we already have our spots reserved, however, things never go as you wish, and we had to line up for approximately 2 hours. It went by quite quickly since we have our friends to chat with.

When we first entered the pavilion, the first things that appeared to our faces were walls with little screens on it. They were Taiwanese people that sponsored the Taiwan pavilion and their little introduction or opinion on Taiwan and her pavilion. After a brief introduction brought by the guide we moved into an elevator and moved upstairs, getting ready for a trip to watch a 720 degrees 4D movie. Outside of the theatre, our teammates were all exciting and curious about the movie that we are going to experience, and it all went true after 10 minutes of briefing. In the theatre the movie was above my head, below my feet, behind my back and in front of my face. I could clearly feel the rain dropping on my shoulder and smell the flowers. The natural forests, ocean, and mountains recall our memory of the hometown we live in.

We then made our way to the digital sphere for making a wish by launching a digital lantern; it was controlled by a touch screen which we could choose different kinds of wishes to launch. Some chose peace and love, or for wishes to come true.

 Our last stop in the Taiwan pavilion is to sample the A-li Mountain tea while watching a erhu fiddle show. The room was filled with an attracting tea smell with a wonderful performance brought to us by the erhu fiddle show which made it even more romantic. At the end they thanked us with souvenirs. This showed the generosity of Taiwan.

After that we went to the Brazil pavilion which looked like a box covered with root-like greenish structure. Inside the Brazil pavilion, there was a suspended square-shaped projector screen that showed the play of soccer.

We went to visit Mexico pavilion afterwards. It was very odd because their actual pavilion is underground and above it it’s a very specially designed art gallery. They showed us movies of traditional Mexican life and culture. Then we went into a room full with Mexican masks and each with a story “within” it.

Finally, we went to check out the Turkey pavilion. They put a lot of historical treasure of Turkey inside the pavilion which I thought was a really meaningful visit. It not just explained the history of Turkey to us it also let us have a close look on its historical background. At the very end of the Turkey pavilion, we had some of its traditional ice cream which we thought was really intense and delicious.

Even though it was a really tiring day for us, we gained a lot from the splendid structure of the pavilions, the wonderful display of their country and the nice and caring treatment brought by the employees that were working in the pavilion. HURRAY EXPO.


  Today is the second day that we are in shanghai EXPO, we visited Taiwan, Mexico, Turkey and Brazil. Taiwan is our favorite pivilion, perhaps it is because  that is our own country, so we feel more nice. There are three parts in Taiwan pivilion , after the introduction we make two wishes and taste some tea, we all enjoy these activities very much, it feels like we haven’t leave Taiwan !!!
    At night, we went to see the show era travel, people there have many good skills, we are all very exciting and impress, it let us know how hard they practice and practice makes perfact!

better city.better life


group B1

今天是我們去世博的第一天,參觀的第一個館是中國館, 光是中國館的建築外型就讓我們充分感受到濃濃的中國味兒。 我們排了一個半小時進去,中國館人潮眾多.,館內最吸引人的特色大概就是中國的國寶《清明上河圖》吧!只不過透過科技化的設備, 中國讓上河圖活了起來,人物不但會走動,背景甚至會隨著時間而轉為黑夜、白天。不僅讓外國人開了眼界,我們華人也見識到了中國古物的新風貌。只不過由於排隊時間十分漫長天氣又炎熱,進到館內時,我們沒能好好欣賞這些展示,真是枉費我們晒了那麼久的太陽!


我們參觀的第二個場館是以色列館,幸運的是,等待的時間比中國館還來的短,而且竟然比中國館還精彩! 以色列館以環繞式電影來介紹以色列優秀的醫學科技和電子工業。當然,說到了以色列,就一定要聯想到一位傳奇人物─愛因斯坦! 只要上過學的人,沒有人沒聽說過這位數學天才的名字吧!在以色列館,我們可以見識到愛因斯坦珍貴的手稿,這可是一生僅有的機會!當然,有電影可以看,就表示我們可以趁機喘口氣囉!

以上海世博主題的「城市」為發揮,將生命生態分為金木水火土充分表現出主旨〈better city,better life〉,走過三館讓我們意識到─提倡人們的環保概念以及愛護地球的重要性,也讓我們學會更尊重大自然,因為地球不屬於我們,我們才屬於地球,而人類應該開始為生活做出改變,像是改變洗澡習慣─從泡澡變淋浴等。


到了傍晚,我們一行人前往位於浦西的汽車館。我們從館內一探到2030年的上海交通新世界, 這是所有上海人民及政府的共同願望,更是全世界人民的嚮往及目標。未來的交通工具, 並不是單只是運輸人類的機器,而是人類互動即溝通的一種方式。漸行漸近,也是目標之一,但是人人都可以開車,才是真正要努力琢磨的地方。上海政府不但要讓殘疾人士及孩童可以使用,汽車要成為環保又快速的溝通交通方式。未來汽車不但有自動的偵測系統以防範意外事故,同時也有像飛機一般的自動導航系統;酒駕時便可以不用自行駕駛。雖然看完以後,大家都認為憑著人類現在知識及科技,未來汽車的說法只是胡扯,但是我們卻一致認為,這並不是空談,也並非天馬行空的幻想,而是可以實現和完成的理想。我們都相信,未來世界會更美好,而這種美好,不會只有人類佔盡所有利益的美好,而是與自然萬物共存的美好。


Team 4-1
Our Experiences in Shanghai World Expo at a Glance
We, James, Andy, Nelson, Richard, Jacky, Joey, Danny, and Edward wants to share our first experiences at the Shanghai World Expo. We looked at about five pavilions: the China pavilion, the Expo theme pavilion, Car pavilion, Israel pavilion, and the Australian pavilion. We were surprised of how hot the climate was, combined with the number of people waiting in line, and that was stood our first impression of the Shanghai World Expo as a team. We first interviewed a Japanese couple, and her name was Mrs. Kabayashi, along with her Chinese husband who helped us translate. We learned many techniques in interviewing from them. As a team, we agree that the Chinese pavilion need to be a bit more organized. The information they want to transfer to us was not as a whole. One time it was talking about bridges, and another time it was talking about C02 release. The Car pavilion was really special. There was a 3D cinema with movable seats that showed how the future would improve in the next 20 years. The Australian pavilion and the pavilion of Israel were a bit disappointing. Their main purpose was to advertise their country, but it did not please the audience in such a way that it makes the audience feel satisfied. With our sore feet and breaking back, we learned a lot, and we hope we can learn more in the coming few days.

group B4






參觀完之後我們就去了城市地球館,那裡是世博的主題館。裡面分成「城市地球」、「 城市人文」和「城市生命」三館。我們選擇參觀「城市地球」還有「城市生命館」。地球館讓我深刻地了解到地球如何形成還有地球環境保育的重要性!我們從地球館裡面中的影片學到了人類是破壞地球的元兇,我們應該好好愛護我們的環境,才能拯救地球!

"我們只有一個地球"→We just have one world!!!!










2010年9月21日 星期二


September 20th’s Journal

  • Ching, Chris, Peggie, Brenda, Cindy, Jean, Jimmy, Kevin, Aerial, Jerry
This is the first time I been to China, I am pretty excited. Also, this is the first time that I am in a foreign country with friends without parents. I have to take full responsibility of my own behavior, and I think it will make me more mature. We arrived at Shanghai at 12:00 p.m., Shanghai is huge and crowded. It is a great experience that you went to a country that people speak same language as yours. And you feel familiar when you see Chinese on the road. Thus, the first feeling of Shanghai is quite nice and comfortable.

We went to the landmark of Shanghai this afternoon. The altitude is high, but less than 101. I believe, it is recorded as the second highest building on earth. It has 492meters tall according to the instruction board. We take the high speed elevator to the 100th floor, and the view the whole Shanghai. It is beautiful. And the floor on the 100th floor is made of glass, which make people scared and interested. Then we take boat to view the night Shanghai. It is wonderful. We can’t imagine how many lights there are and how beautiful it is. Shanghai is a place that people still hang out at night and have fun. Today is great though it is tired. I am ready for tomorrow’s world expo. I know that all I need is rest and rest and rest.

Today is the first dayIn the morning we went yo the mrt station to wait for the bus, almost everybody got there on time, only a few changed to been sent to the airport by the parents.When we got to the airport nearly everyone was there it Was really coolWatching so many classmates and friends at the airport around you this is a feeling that you will never forget.The teaches and the principle helped us with the boarding and the log-age they are really helpful everyone boarded in successfully. Because we got in a hour early so we had like a forty to an hour free time, I went with pete and lawrence we went to see many good and famous shops but we didn't buy anything sp that was a good thing.

After that we got on the plane, I thought that or will be very messy and noisy, but in fact we weren't at least us eleven graders didn't after a while we were there.The first place we went to is the second tallest building in the world It has 100 floors it was really cool.We lined up to get to the elevator it was long bit it is worth it, we got to the 100th floor in leas then three minutes and we exactly got to the 100 floor not like Taipei 101 we could only get to the98floor this time we could get to the 100 floor so it's really exciting, the scenery is so beautiful We can see the hole Shanghai city And everything is so small like a toy. Though we also got to the 99 98 floor but I still thing that the 100 floor is most beautiful.

After this we went to catch a boatWe also were looking at the scenery of shanghai but we saw it at night and it is also very beautiful.It was nearly the end of the day we had dinner and we went to the last place we are going today it is a shopping place we took some pictures then we took off, we then took the bus to our hotel.Though we had little time but Guess what I did this on my iPhone so wa hahahahahahha!!!!

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