2015年1月31日 星期六

2015 日本教育旅行 Day 1_ 1101 Team1




以大勝佛教為主流,受漢傳﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽   佛教的影響而形成,漢傳佛教、上座不佛教、藏傳佛教合稱世界四大佛教傳統。佛教在飛鳥時代傳入日本,奈良時代與平安時代開始發展。

The extant branches of Buddhism is recognized in the Mahayana. Buddhism has been practiced in Japan since at least 552 AD, the arrival of Buddhism in Japan is from China, the development of Buddhism is catagorized:Asuka Period (546 to 645),  Nara Period (645 to 794)Heian Period (794 to 1185), Kamakura Period (1185–1333), Muromachi Period (or Ashikaga) (1336–1573), Azuchi-Momoyama Period (1573–1600) and Edo Period (or Tokugawa)(1600–1868), Meiji Restoration (1868–1912)



Asuka Period : Shōtoku, recognized as a great intellectual of this period of reform, was the first person who brought the Buddhism.



Nara Period: inherit the policy of protecting Buddhism from Asuka Period. Todaiji was also built in this period. Japan’s Buddhism was established firmly since then.



Heian Period (794 to 1185):Byōdō-in (Pure Land sect), located in Uji, Kyoto
During the Heian period the capital was shifted from Nara to Kyoto. Monasteries became centers of powers, even establishing armies of Sōhei, warrior-monks.



Kamakura Period (1185–1333):The Kamakura period was a period of crises in which the control of the country moved from the imperial aristocracy to the samurai. In 1185 the Shogunate was established at Kamakura.



Muromachi Period (or Ashikaga) (1336–1573): This period saw the introduction of the two schools that had perhaps the greatest impact on the country: the Amidist Pure Land schools, promulgated by evangelists such as Genshin and articulated by monks such as Hōnen, which emphasize salvation through faith in Amitabha and remain the largest Buddhist sect in Japan; and the more philosophical Zen schools, promulgated by monks such as Eisai and Dogen, which emphasize liberation through the insight of meditation, which were equally rapidly adopted by the upper classes and had a profound impact on Japanese culture.



Edo Period 1600–1868):After the Sengoku period of war, Japan was re-united in the Azuchi–Momoyama period. This decreased the power of Buddhism, which had become a strong political and military force in Japan. Neo-Confucianism and Shinto gained influence at the expense of Buddhism, which came under strict state control. Japan closed itself off to the rest of the world. The only traders to be allowed were Dutchmen admitted to the island of Dejima.


孝明天皇開始“明治維新”。明治天皇在明治元年(1868)頒布神佛分離令,以神道教為國教,迫令僧侶沿用俗姓,甚至鼓勵僧侶食肉帶發娶妻。佛教界因此集合信徒發起“護法一揆” (團結一致)運動來反抗,才獲得停止,但有日本淨土真宗受其影響。

Meiji Restoration till today:During the Meiji period (1868–1912), after a coup in 1868, Japan abandoned its feudal system and opened up to Western modernism. Shinto became the state religion.  Rinzai and Soto Zen chose to adapt, trying to modernize Zen in accord with Western insights, while simultaneously maintaining a Japanese identity. Other schools, and Buddhism in general, simply saw their influence wane. The edict of April 1872 ended the status of the buddhist precepts as state law and allowed monks to marry and to eat meat.



Nara Prefecture international park is an urban park, including Todaiji, deer park and Kasuga-taisha.



Todaiji is located in Japan more than 1200 years.  This archetecture is named from the location of the capital, East of Ping City.  This temple was established by  the San Wu Emperior who is sincere bouhdist. The facade of the Bouhda statue is 5.7 meters width, 50 meters depth, 48 meters height. This temple is the biggest wooden archetecture in the world so far. The composition of the"   Ancient Nara Historical heritage" has already been recorded the World Cultural Heritage by the United Nations.



The deers are not afraid of the tourists. Along the souvenir shops which sell " deer snacks", you can buy their food and feed the deers. As soon as the deers smell the snacks, they will touch you by their nose or bite you gentlely, that makes the tourists very happy.


Kasuga-taisha is a shrine which located in Nara prefecture. An old saying calls Kasuga shrine. There are four big gods to sacrifice, it’s a shrine of Fujiwara family. The birthday is 13th March. Kasuga Shrine, and the Kasugayama Primeval Forest near it, are registered as a World Heritage Site as part of the "Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara". It is one of the twenty-two shrines.


The most famous is washing hand shrine, main provides people to wash hand and rinse the mouth. This represents to clean everything that is uncleaned. According to etiquette and custom’s manner, we will put a spoon in the plate and fill with clean water. People first use a spoon to get a wooden laden of water to wash both left and right hand, then pour the water in your hand to rinse the mouth, then wash again your left hand. The left water in spoon is ised to clean the spoon. This is a proper manner to do in the shrine.


Most of the shrine have “painting horse”, it is sort of a wish message board. Write down your own wishes on the wooden board and hang in the shrine, your wish will soon fulfill!


            When we first step on Japan, the dry air made us felt relax. The most unforgettable was the deer in Todaiji. There were many deer and they are fat. They were not afriad of the cold weather, if we had food in our hand, they would quickly stood around you. This is a very new experience.
            Todaiji was majestic than we thought, the Buddihism inside was very plain. It was said if people could get through the pillar with a hole, their wish would come true. Thus, everybody was very exciting. Around there were boards to write down their wishes. Students made their wishes to entrace a good college. Although today’s schedule wasn’t full, but filled with joyful. We believe the coming schedule will be as wonderful as today’s.

