2015年1月31日 星期六

2015 日本教育旅行 Day 1_ 1101 Team2


組員:廖建群、韋欣慧張心怡闕廷珍 蔡昀庭









沖完澡之後,再慢慢地進入浴池裡。因為溫泉不是游泳池,切勿直接跳進去。如果一下子就將整個身體泡到溫泉裡面,全身會因為強烈的水壓,而讓心臟產生 負擔,也會造成在浴池中濺起水花,打擾到周圍的泡湯客。因此,先從腳慢慢地、靜靜地伸進浴池中,暫時先泡到身體一半的高度即可。等上半身都暖和起來之後,再慢慢地泡到肩膀為止。



自古日本即流傳「泡湯要數到100為止」的說法,但卻有人為了達到溫泉療效,即便已經想要起身離開浴池,但還是勉強自己泡長湯 。所謂的長湯,就是長時間泡在浴池中,這種勉強泡湯的方式,正是陷入稱為「暈池 」的危險狀態的原因。最推薦的泡湯時間為510分鐘,但是由於每個人的身體狀況與忍受能力都不同,建議大家只要覺得不適或無法忍受時,就要慢慢起身離開浴池並休息。







Japanese bathing culture and etiquette presentation

Proper bathing methods:

1. The need to strip the body.
Japan's hot springs are usually bare soup, which is not wearing a swimsuit, underwear or towels into the springs around the pool, so we must back a post (usually set between clothes) As for the removal of the body clothes basket or cabinet before into the bathing area, and therefore many people in the room to put on a bathrobe, so on will be a lot easier to wear off.
*Memory bathrobe worn formulas: left right

2. Before entering the tub, make a good shower.
You must wash the body, there are two reasons. The first is due to take place without first flush of his body sweat to clean the body into the tub of hot water with everyone will use dirty. The second is when the body is still very cold, suddenly enters the warm tub, blood pressure because of the temperature difference is too large and rapid rise. "Shower" in order to start basically foot, hand washing, and finally washed down from the head. At this time, while carefully washed off the body of dirt, while the temperature of the hot water habit.

3. Do not bath towels.

4. Do not suddenly bubble to shoulder.
Flush after bath, then slowly into the tub. Because the spa is not a swimming pool, do not jump into. If all of a sudden the whole body will soak into the springs inside the body because of the intense pressure, and let the heart to produce affordable, can also cause splashing in the tub, bathing disturb the surrounding passengers. Therefore, starting with the feet and slowly, quietly into his tub, being the first half of the height of the bubble to the body can be. After all, such as the upper body warm up, then slowly soak into the shoulders up.
*Shower recommended order: foot scratch down the red hand, in such a way so that everyone can quickly adapt to the hot springs before the water temperature.

5. barely bathing too long, will cause any harm.
That spread in Japan since ancient times, "bathing want to count to 100 so far," the statement, but it was to reach the spa effect, even have wanted to get up and leave baths, but still barely long soak own soup. The so-called long-soup, is a long soak in the tub, which barely wasted a way, it is caught in a dangerous state reasons called "halo pool" of. And heat stroke and other symptoms, like bathing also let your body is exposed to more than their own body temperature environment, so when too reluctantly, blood pressure and heart rate will rise too high, sometimes to the extent of not stand the pain turned into walking. If the temperature of the bath, you can bust the bubble bath for a long time, but if it is in the hot tub, the best after a dip in a while, it got to the outside pool, a rest and then go in the bubble, so the cycle would be better. Due to the spa water temperature will be higher than the average human body, in order to avoid a rapid rise in blood pressure because of the temperature difference, the risk of fainting, you can start slowly into the foot bath, etc. After the body to adapt to, and then let the water level above the heart. Most recommended bathing time is 5 to 10 minutes, but because each person's physical condition and ability to endure is different, we recommend that you only feel uncomfortable or intolerable, it is necessary to leave the tub slowly got up and rest.

*Recommends bathing times: every 5 to 10 minutes, three times a day, in order to better.

The spa is complete different nature bathing decide whether you want to take a shower:
Paowan soup, attached to the spa body composition, it is best not to take a shower to wash. Side note Paowan soup might not let the body cold, while the skin to dry naturally, away from the skin to absorb the active ingredient. However, if the bubble is like having a strong acidic hydrogen sulfide hot springs spa and spa strong irritant, Paowan laissez-faire attitude, prone to skin caused by circumstances because bathing "fester", so people with sensitive skin, it is best then washed a bath, wash it better. In addition, if the bulb is circulating hot springs, and then have a good body wash.

After bathing remember: drink plenty of water, avoid the cold.
Proper bathing etiquette:
flushing at first wash the body and hair.
good soap suds and then flushed into the tub.
Do not wash at the laundry.
To  hair coiled up when bathing.
Do not use a towel into the tub.
Do not splash when entering the tub.
Do not waste water and hot springs.
Do not stand at the shower, so as not to spray splashed others.
Do Springs pool body scrub or shampoo.
Do Springs pool diet.
Do not let the body up dripping, used a small towel drying.
If the body has tattoos do not bathing.


With tiring but exciting feeling, we arrived at the hotel with hot spring. This was the first time we went to the hot spring and see our classmated naked, we were shy and embarrassed. You can not say you have been to Japan without going to the hot spring. Hot spring can not only relax and good for your skin. I think been through one night of rest, we can have enough energy to prepare tomorrow’s trip.

