2015年6月24日 星期三

2015馬新教育旅行Day 10_9F

Melody、 David、Austin、Jenna Zoe

Today was the most exciting day of the whole trip. We traveled to the Sentosa island and visited the Garden by the Bay.

The Garden by the Bay contains thousands of colorful and interesting plants for us to observe and learn. The Cloud Forest includes the biggest man made waterfall which we can saw it from different places throughout the garden.

After lunch, we took the MRT and went to experience the go­kart. We took a ride from the bottom of the hill to the peak, then we ride down the hill on the go­kart. This was such a thrilling and exciting trip. Everyone of us enjoy the ride with our friends and hope that we can come back in the future.

Then we went to visit the biggest aquarium in the world. It contains all of the amusing fish you can imagine. We went through a tunnel where fish swam above us lazily, while we can walk right under it. It was such an interesting experience.

Last but not least, we went to the biggest shopping mall in Singapore. Our group enjoy shopping in the mall for 3 hours. Most of us bought ourselves some fashion items to remind us of this wonderful trip.





在剛剛好的時間內逛完了水族館,即使我們沒有拍下許多清晰的照片,那些驚奇的事物也會一直留在我們的腦袋裡,記憶裡。 花園中植物們個個展露光彩,爭奇鬥豔,誰也不讓誰,美不勝收的壯闊景象依舊矗立於心;溜溜車在毒辣的艷陽下疾駛而過,三五好友間隨心而起的比賽,那暢快的呼喊彷彿流連腦海,使人不捨離開;水族館內與中國明朝時航海遺留下的文物有了不淺的邂逅,除了知識的成長外,更伴隨著有趣的回憶,五彩繽紛的海洋生物徜徉身旁,驚奇的每分每秒,皆深深地在心裡烙下了印記。


