2015年6月17日 星期三

2015馬新教育旅行Day 3_902


“Taman Negara” literally means “National Park” in Malay. It was established in 1938. It has been developed into a famous ecotourism destination in Malaysia. Taman Negara was once called the King George V National Park, but  was renamed into Taman Negara after independence. It has a total area of 4343 square kilometer and it also has a reputation of world’s oldest tropical rainforest. Taman Negara has a variety of rare animals including Malayan tiger, crab-eating macaque, Sumatran rhinoceros , etc. Also there are a lot of animals you can only see at night.


Visiting the tropical forest is a really wonderful experience. Though the heat and the insects made us really uncomfortable, but our green guide kept on using his liveliness to introduce all kinds of animals to us. His incredibly sharp eye discovers all kinds of animals to us. The most interesting part of today is the Splashing Battle, nothing is better than splashing cool water in a hot day. This activity also made me realize that we need to try everything and not regret afterwards. At first, I was really afraid of water’s dirtiness, but I think I will be really regretful in the future for not playing with everyone, so I get in to the water and play. At night, waiting for us is the night walk. In the darkness, we help each other with all our effort. All the nervousness ,unknown animals and insects made us classmates closer together. We learn to care about each of our classmates and should visit the nature with modesty. Things we learn in the rainforest is way more valuable than knowledge we had learnt form our textbook.

今天是一個很疲憊的一天。我們早上5:30就起床準備前往Taman Negara 國家公園。從飯店到國家公園總共要4小時的車程,我們在車上聊聊天、聽聽音樂,使時間過的非常快,4小時一 下就過了。到國家公園後,我們進入寢室放置行李。飯店的房型很多種,有的住小木屋,有的空間比較狹小。雖然這將造成些許的不公平,但這畢竟是雨林中的酒店,物資將較缺乏。吳校長提醒我們要用樂觀的態度,往好處想,並且不要再抱怨。雖然我們心中仍然有些不愉快,但這畢竟是個非常不一樣的體驗,希望我們能多向大自然學習,並融入大自然,也希望明天的旅程能跟今天一樣精彩。

Today is a tiring day. We woke up 5:30 in the morning, preparing for heading to Taman Negara National Park. We spend about 4 hours for driving to the park. Time past very fast since we chat and listen to music together. When we arrived at the National Park, we set our package in our room. There are a lot of room types in the National park, some are cabin and some are little tiny rooms. Even it cause a lot of unfairness, but still, it is in the National park. Our principal also remind us to think in the positive way and don't complain. Even though we are a little unhappy but it is still a different experience, and we hope we can learn from nature and live with nature. Also wishing tomorrow's trip can be as fabulous as today.


