9A Robert Wang、Carlos Chiang、Daniel Oddy、Kiki Hsieh、Cindy Chen、Henry Lin
Today we visited the palace of the king of
Thailand and the temple of Buddah. The palace of the king was huge and
fascinating. Tons of flowers blossomed at the same time. The great smell flew
into our noses when we stepped into the garden. The temperature was high that
we almost vapor in a short time. After we stayed in the palace for a while, we
hopped into a small van and drove down the hill and to the temple.
At noon, the temple was religious. You have
to pray to the Budda and make three wishes. Then you have to walk around the
Budda three times and tap your head down in order to make the wishes came true.
We took a train from Chiang Mai to Bangkok.
It was our first experience of sleeping in a train. The bed, the pillow, and
the air conditioner made us had a sweet dream. The train journey least for 14
hours, which was from 16:00 to 6:00, and we had a lots of fun during the
journey. Because the train was 98 years old, the toilet was disgusting, the
speed of the train was very slow. The waiter offered us good service. They
helped us to managed the bed, and they sold fruits, potato chips, and meals.
Every students had fun with each other on the train, and it improved our
friendship; it was a really important experience in our Hongkong-Thailand trip.
