9D 劉品言、游揚任、王靖傑、廖浩涵、林信祥、川村羽菜、陳薇安

第一梯是DEF班於今天6:55在桃園機場集合,大家以雀躍不已的心情出發了。在香港機場我們見識到台灣機場算是多麼的小,但台灣還是處處充滿的別的國家沒有的人情味。第一個行程我們搭著360昂坪纜車到了山頂大嶼山,山頂上有著很壯觀的佛像,佛像下有著昂坪市集,市集裡以中國傳統建築及園林為主題的昂坪市集。再來到了東薈城outlet,裡面有著各國不同的品牌,應有盡有我們玩得不亦樂乎呢! 深圳入境點我們見識到了中國人的真本事。再來我們去吃了晚餐,中國的食物不太合我們台灣人的口味,導致許多人的身體不適,但我們還是勇於嘗試不同地方不同的食物。最後我們來到了最後一個行程--飯店!要拿取放置在遊覽車上的行李時,大家都非常的齊心協力團結合作,使搬行李這件大事變得非常容易及快速。第一天晚上我們大家住的聖淘沙酒店是去年才開幕的,非常的高級及舒適。今天一天要畫下句點了,大家期待著明日的行程。
The first group to go to Hong Kong is the class DEF. We met art the
Taoyuan airport at 6:55, and we are left Taiwan very excited, and urgent to
have many great experiences. When we arrived at the Hong Kong airport we knew
how small the Taiwan airport is!! However the Taiwan had a very unique
Taiwanese feeling. The first place we went is the 360 trams at the Nong Ping
and was on it for 20minutes in the beautiful sky that covers Hong Kong. And the
destination the tram went is the Buddha in the mountain that we had to climb
200 stairs in the hot temperature to arrive there. However the Buddha wad very
interesting and we had a great time there. And we also went to the outlet,
because Hong Kong is the center market of East Asia, so we saw many shops from
different countries and it was very interesting, just like we are in another
country. In Shengzhen, we knew the real China
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