2015年2月1日 星期日

2015 日本教育旅行 Day 2_ 1101 Team3


組員:劉芷晴 林恩彤 陳采蔚 黃羽緁 張展豪 王偉哲


一、越野滑雪 (cross-country skiing)


二、自由式滑雪(freestyle skiing)


三、北歐混合式滑雪(Nordic Combined)


四、跳台滑雪(ski jumping)



Most of the skiing established in 19 century by means of form by skiing board and a pole. It’s a recreational activity and competitive winter sport in which the participant uses skis to glide on snow. Many types of competitive skiing events are recognized by the International Olympic Committee, and the International Ski Federation. There are four type of skiing:
cross-country, skiing is a kind of sport that need to pass over mountains ridge to the destination, the one who achieve it first is the champion. Norway, Italy, Russia is their strength.
        Freestyle skiing, is a sport that established in 1960s it came from American teenagers, using skiing board and pole doing assign position.
        Nordic combined combined is a winter sport in which athletes compete in cross-country skiing and ski jumping. There is no women's competition sanctioned by the International Ski Federation.
        Ski jumping, is a form of nordic skiing in which athletes descend a take-off ramp, called an inure, jump, and fly as far as possible. Points are awarded for distance and style. Competition is sanctioned by the International Ski Federation. It can also be performed in summer on artificial surfaces.




Located halfway up Otowa Mountain in the eastern part of Kyoto City, Kiyomizu-dera is a historic temple that was established in 778, even before Kyoto became the capital of Japan.

Since its foundation, the temple has burned down many times. Most of the current buildings were rebuilt by the third Shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu in the early Edo period (1631 to 1633).

The Main Hall (Hondo) of the temple is designated as a national treasure. The temple has many other important cultural properties including the Deva gate, west gate, three-storied pagoda and bell tower. In 1994, it was registered on the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List as one of the Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto.

Kiyomizu-dera (the temple of clear water) was named after Otowa Waterfall. Water from a spring in the mountain has been falling there since its foundation. Fifteen colorfully-painted halls and pagodas stand in its verdant precincts. There is three different waterfall it represent Health, studies and marriage, it will become true when you drinks different waters from waterfall. Among to those, there is some different door with red roof, three-storied pagoda is the highest tower of Japan, the inspiration of that building is from China, not only the water will bring good luck, but also the fortune charm will also bring lucky, there are several type, most of them were health, traffic secure, study, marriage and wealth. With pious heart everything will came true.



Schedule of today was Kiymizu-dera Temple,and skiing. First,we played at Lake Biwa and had so much fun in there. We played snow sliding and build snowman,we also used snow to hit each other.While we are playing at Lake Biwa,snow still flew around us,it was the most beautiful view I had never seen before. The second schedule was Kiymizu-dera Temple. We all dressed up the Japanese cloth,Kimono. It was a very special experience,we took a lot of pictures and we all had the most unforgettable  memories today.

