2015年6月16日 星期二

2015馬新教育旅行Day 2_901

901 陳傳蕙 Tina Chen 方泳詠 Ariel Fang

今日晚間參觀雙子星塔雙子星塔是由馬來西亞的石油公司所建造,曾經是全球最高的建築物,但現在被哈里發塔,101 大樓及經貿大樓所超越,成為排名第五高的建築。


這次參觀後發現與台灣的101很不一樣,因為馬來西亞的雙子星塔是兩棟中間還有一座空橋,而台灣的101大樓是只有一棟,可惜的是遊客不行參觀空橋,台灣的101大樓則可以。能親眼看到聞名世界的建築物,同學們都覺得非常興奮, 也得到很多收穫。

The KLCC is the highest building in Malaysia. It used to be the highest in the world, but now it is the 5th. The KLCC is designed by a designer from the USA.

After this trip, we found that it is quit different from the 101 building in Taiwan. In KLCC, tourists cannot go up to higher floors in the building, but in Taiwan, tourists can go up to the 85 floor for sightseeing and afternoon tea. Knowing that we are able to experience a famous building, we are very excited. We had learnt a lot from today.

