2015年6月23日 星期二

2015馬新教育旅行Day 9_9D

楊立晨、程絜熙、黃靖涵、李雨諠、莊淳媛、許涵雯、 黃稚頤


Although i’ve been to Singapore several times before, i never knew that there’s such a fun and challenging course here. Most of our classmates are still tired and grumpy because we woke up early in the morning, but the instructors were all very passionate, getting us all in the mood for completing the exciting camp. Some important principles in completing all the activities were explained to us by the instructors.  they were to Model the way, Inspire a shared vision, Challenge the process, Enable others to act, and Encourage the heart. These principles had been used by all our classmates throughout the activities. the principles can also be applied to our daily lives, making team work more efficient and successful.

今天的第一個活動是electric fence,規則是要將所有人越過一條線到另一邊。我們班的男生比例跟女生比例差很多,所以大部份都是男生在幫忙抬同學過線。但,我們女生也有在旁邊幫忙看有沒有人要碰到線並幫忙擋。這活動其實最重要的是抬的人的順序。幸好我們D班開始前都有先講好並平均分配好人數所以才可以順利過關!

The first activity today was the Electric Fence. The rule is to let everyone to cross a rope safely without touching it. We have a lot more boys than girls in our class, so mainly the boys helped lift up other people. But of course girls helped a lot too, we checked if anyone accidentally touched the line. The main point of this activity is to discuss the order of the people. For example, who should be the first one to cross over the rope first. Fortunately, our class, 9D, finished discussing the order already, so we successfully succeeded.
The second-to-last activity was archery. It has been five years since the last time I tried archery. We have a really tight schedule, so each person can only shoot three arrows. Despite this, I felt the strong friendship among our class. We help each other out. The experienced ones taught the inexperienced ones. Watching everyone try out archery and other activities really makes me happy. We still have three more years together till we graduate, so I hope everyone can cherish the time we spent together as a class. I really like this camp. I faced a lot of challenges and learned a lot from them.

今天我們來到了Leadership Camp,做了許多的活動。其中,最讓我感興趣的是一個叫賞鯨船的活動。賞鯨船是一片木板,中間有一個可以支撐木板的東西。規則非常的簡單。我們必須要全部人都站到木板上,讓木板與地平衡,並且維持10秒。我們組在這個活動上遇到了很大的困難。班上有些同學有點意見不和。許多人,都等的很無聊,也很不耐煩。Jasmine和Eva甚至還做了一首詩。最後,我們終於依靠團隊合作而完成了。這個活動,讓我體驗到團隊合作的重要性。當我們完成時,我也覺得非常的感動。希望下次還可以玩這種那麼有意義的活動。

in the camp we had a lot of really fun activities. They were both challenging and helped us in learning teamwork. one of the most interesting was the whale watch. the whale watch is not an actual boat, its just a plank that acts as a lever with a fulcrum underneath. the objective of this activity is to balance the plank for 10 seconds. This was probably the most difficult activity of the whole course. our whole class ran into several obstacles trying to finish this challenge, people actually fought over several issues because the heat was so excruciating. finally, with the help of our teacher and teamwork we managed to complete this challenge.  this activity really taught us the importance of teamwork. I am very happy that we can actually accomplish this as a whole proving our teamwork.


another fun and challenging activity was the tightrope. our task was simple, to go from point a to point b without falling. We had to hold on to our teammates in order to balance ourselves and move on the rope. Teamwork was also a very important element in this challenge. Not only do we need to have great balance, we have to rely on our teammates to successfully cross the rope and finish the task.


The heat was excruciating today. Everybody doesn’t want to leave the comfort of air conditioning. But the hot sun didn’t stop us from taking on the high elements challenge. All of us are familiar with rope crossing, but today it’s different. The height of the rope was twice as high from the usual one we crossed in Taiwan. It took much more courage and technique to complete the challenge. It’s really nice for everybody to finish the challenge together safely. We all had an amazing time.

今天倒數第二個活動是射箭,我距離上一次射箭已經有五年的時間了。這次的射箭是跟著同學一起 雖然這次的活動行程很趕,每位同學只射了三箭,但是我感受到同學之間的恩愛,大家都互相幫忙。有經驗的同學也教導著沒經驗的同學,看著大家開開心心的射箭與一起完成其他的活動心情真的很好。我們大家還有3年相處的時間,希望大家能好好把握。我很喜歡這個挑戰營,讓我挑戰了很多,也學到了許多。

The second-to-last activity was archery. It has been five years since the last time I tried archery. We have a really tight schedule, so each person can only shoot three arrows. Despite this, I felt the strong friendship among our class. We help each other out. The experienced ones taught the inexperienced ones. Watching everyone trying out archery and other activities really makes me happy. We still have three more years together till we graduate, so I hope everyone can cherish the time we spent together as a class. I really like this camp. I faced a lot of challenges and learned a lot from them.


The last activity of the day is laser combat. this was not so much of challenging, just teamwork tactics and how well we could compete against the other team. we played capture the flag with laser guns. the flag was hidden in a random location of the campsite. each team had to carry the flag back to their home base without dying, first to do so wins. this was all tactics, we had to find the flag, and get it back alive. Splitting the team increases the chance of we finding the flag, yet if we get found by the other team, we can easily get killed. if we move together we probably wont be able to find the flag so quickly but all of us can survive. no matter win or lose, teamwork is still the most important thing to learn in this event, how we cooperate between teammates is the key to beating the other team to getting the flag.

