2015年6月20日 星期六

2015馬新教育旅行Day 6_9C


This is the sixth day of our Malaysia Singapore trip. In the morning, we arrived in Melaka. We visited the Bao Sang Temple and saw a well that was locked for over a hundred years. We also saw the Zheng He Temple. It was special because it was placed outside the temple because their religion was Islam. Then, we rode the bus to St. Paul's Church. It was built by the Portuguese, and became a popular tourist attraction nowadays because the view was spectacular. Walking upward behind the church, we arrived at the San Domingo Fort. It was one of the fort created by the Portuguese, but because of the invasion of the Dutch, only a city wall was left. After we finished the schedule, we went to eat lunch.

1) 雖然今天天氣十分炎熱,但是今天所有人都很開心可以更深入的認識馬來西亞的歷史。一開始大家無法了解為什麼鄭和的雕像放在廟宇的外面,後來有導遊細心的解釋,大家才更深入的知道. 鄭和七次下西洋有5次都停在麻六甲補給及運送一些香料,所以很多華人是那時候跟著鄭和的船隊到達南洋的。鄭和廣受東南亞各國人民與華僑華人的尊竟和愛戴,而三寶井也是鄭和開發的。鄭和出身回教家庭而回教徒由於教條的關係, 信徒無法崇拜偶像, 所以這間佛教廟宇把鄭和的雕像放在外面。
Even though it was a very hot day, everyone was very excited to learn more about the country we're visiting this week, Malaysia. When we first entered the Bao Sang Temple, we couldn't understand why the statue of Zheng He was outside of the temple. However, thanks to our guide, everyone understood the reason behind it. Out of the Zheng He's seven voyages down the Pacific, he stopped at Melaka five times to supply and transport some materials. Those voyages was how the Chinese arrived to the South East Asia with Zheng He and his men. It was also why there was a Zheng He Temple in Melaka. Zheng He was held at high esteem and respect in South East Asia by the local people and the Chinese settling there. San Bao Well was also created by Zheng He. Zheng He was born into a Muslim family, so people were banned to have other idols. That's why the people put Zheng He's statue outside the temple.

 2) 鄭和帶去的瓷器,絲綢,金銀和銅鐵器換去當地特產,讓印度南溪的人民展開和平貿易,進行友好交往。後來當地人民為了紀念鄭和,在相傳當年他率領船員登岸的地方,造了三寶廟。
Zheng He brought porcelain, silk, metal, gold, and silver from China to barter with the South East Asians for local products. Thus, the locals constructed San Bao Temple to memorialize Zheng He at the location where the Chinese first came on land.

The last stop of the day was San Domingo Fort. It was built by the Portuguese in 1511. But when the Dutch invaded, the fort was completely destroyed. All was left was a city gate, the San Domingo City Wall. We could feel the long history, and we couldn't wait to understand it better, so we asked out tour guide to explain it further.

4) 荷蘭紅屋,建於1641至1660 年,去到荷蘭紅屋大家感覺到歷史的悠久, 因為當時是荷蘭的殖民者留在遠東的歷史最久遠的建築物,外觀簡單而特別,典雅的外觀氣質,令人嘆為觀止。 紅屋是由當時的荷蘭殖民地政府專門由荷蘭運來的紅磚所建。過去有個不怎麼浪漫到傳說,據說馬六甲人嚼食檳榔氾濫,建築外牆常遭檳榔汁汙染,因此當局乾脆將外牆漆成顏色相仿的紅色,是真是假不得而知。而現代簷下的紅屋,有許多小攤販,也是當地特有的文化;經由此次的紅屋參觀,我們了解了以前的紅屋歷史。
We visited the Stadthuys, also known as the Red Square. The Stadthuys is situated in the heart of the Melaka Town, and it is surrounded by a Christian church and other popular tourist attractions. It was a cool and unique historical site. From the design and the outward form, we can easily conclude that the structure was enriched with long histories and cultures. We can tell easily that the building was built by the Dutch by its red appearance. Also, the Stadthuys was definitely a fine example of Dutch architecture of that period. It is considered the oldest Dutch building in South East Asia. We noticed that there were many similarities between the Stadthuys and the Fort of San Domingo in Taiwan. They were all built by the Dutch and they looked very much the same in their exterior appearance with their bright red walls. I think every building has its own story and history. In able to deeply understand the church, we have to look carefully and learn with all our hearts. It's a really great opportunity to discover the beauty of the building and their valuable culture.
5) 這圖片秀出了人們祭拜他們所信仰的神明的食物,這些包括了水果、糖果、跟粽子。其中有粽子是因為當日是端午節,而給了這些食物就可以為人們完成它們的心願。這裏的人有他們祭拜神明的方式,像是台灣並不會特別祭拜糖果給神明。
Pictured above shows the offerings that the people presented to their gods, which included different types of candies, fruits, and Chinese dumplings, to get luck.


Today is the sixth day of our graduation trip. We visited Bao Shan Temple at Melaka. First, we visited Zheng He's statue. Zheng He was a great Chinese explorer that created great peace in Melaka. People made Bao Shan Temple to remember him. Then we went to see San Bao Well. San Bao Well provided clean water for his army. Zheng He built a wall to protect San Bao Well to prevent their enemies from adding poison to the water. After that, we went to San Paul's Church.We saw broken walls around San Paul Church. It was very cool and special because the stone was very different. It was built in year 1521 by a Portuguese General. This church is located at the top of the hill, we saw very beautiful view. All in all, we had a great experience and learned a lot about Malaysia history. We also made great memories at Melaka with our tour guide. Although we felt a little bit tired, we still enjoyed the great view at the church. We liked it really much and hope we can visit next time.

During our trip today we visited several historical and cultural cites. Our first stop was a Chinese temple called Bukit China atop of a small hill. When we entered the temple we were greeted by a statue of Zheng He. What was really special was that the offerings that they had on the temple included candy, which is rather rare and unique. Our next stop was St. Paul's Church which was founded by the Dutch. The buildings surrounding the church are painted red, which still remains unexplained to scientists and historians. We then proceeded to a hill behind the church and saw a statue St. Francis Xavier.  In conclusion I feel that as a group we have learned many things regarding the history and cultural past of Malaysia. I do however have a few complaints, I feel that a lot of time was wasted traveling on the bus and felt we could have used the time more productively visiting scenic or historical cites near our hotel instead.

Today, June 20th, we went to a historical place in Melaka, Malaysia. In the historical place, there are stories and ancient obstacles of a person call Zheng He. He was one of the best navigator and explorer in Chinese history. There was a statue of him beside the front of the door and there was a well outside the temple. The well was an important historical attraction of Zheng He. There was a temple beside the well.

On day 6 of our trip to Singapore and Malaysia, we arrived in Melaka, which was a place that Zheng He once landed at. During the Ming Dynasty, Zheng He led five hundred men to Melaka to increase trades and disseminate China's power. He accomplished a lot in Melaka, such as teaching native Malaysian how to build wells. And he also made Melaka more prosperous. During this trip, we saw a lot of historical sites that Zheng He left. For example, a well that Zheng He constructed. The Malaysians admired Zheng He, some even treated him like a god. We saw a statue in front of Bao Shan Temple, which was built to show people's admiration towards Zheng He. We also went to a Christian church, which was the oldest open church in Malaysia. This church was used to celebrate an incident 100 years ago, when the Dutch took over Melaka from the Portuguese. This took over the original Dutch Church. After that we went to the St. Paul's Church, which had lots of graves on the same mountain. Today we visited Cheng He temple, St. Paul Church, and the Dutch Red Building. We think that trip is meaningful. We learned a lot about their culture and their religion. We also learned much about Malaysian history from our tour guides and developed a growing interest in these ancient things.

