2015年6月19日 星期五

2015馬新教育旅行Day 5_9B



第二件令我們大開眼界的事是綠化的程度,台灣的工業公司大多聚集在一塊,將工廠用地塞得滿滿像蟻窩一般,可是美華保留的大塊的綠地,甚至在室內建在花園, 對環保的概念可見一番。在激烈競爭的同業之間有著如此進步的視野,是美華大步領先他人的地方。



It is the 5th day of our educational trip to Malaysia and Singapore. We had a visit to Mewah Oil Factory during this 5th of our trip. Oil is used to make many different things in our everyday life, for example: bread and ice cream. But, we never knew how the oil we used everyday is produced. This trip provided us an opportunity to learn how oil is made.

Mewah is one of the biggest palm oil factories in the world. They produce lots of different varieties of products including: palm oil, margarine, ingredients for chocolate, biodiesel, etc. They got a gigantic factory producing thousands and thousands tons of oil per day. With this great amount of oil, they either sell it internationally to other countries, different local companies or shops. Mewah Company also uses its own oil to make other different kinds of manufactured products. With all these different kinds of products, the company made millions per year.

The process of producing oil is very complex. But, the robots automatically do most the processes. To make the oil that we see everyday, many various steps are involved. And the resulting products involved different kinds of oil with various uses. These oil can make biodiesel, soap, cooking oil, oil for making bread, for making chocolate, etc. It is just amazing to know how much products can be made during and after the process of making oil.

The tour we had was just amazing. All the staffs greeted us with kindness and willing to answer our questions. They all can speak Chinese and English fluently. They are all very great guides and I had learned a lot from them, not only just about knowledge of oil, but also about how to be a great guide.

To sum this great experience, we learned how to make oil and what are the products can be made using oil. And we have the chance to learn how big a company can be. It is our pleasure to visit this great company and I would like to visit this place, Mewah Company, again.

