2016年6月28日 星期二

【第三梯】2016中泰國際教育旅行Day10 (6/28)

行程一天一天的過去,已經來到了第十天。一大早畢聯會的同學們比其他人早起,到了現場佈置場地,排練所有的流程。典禮開始一班二班的同學陸陸續續進場,副校長勉勵大家在未來的三年中要更努力更加油,而獲獎的每位同學都很優秀,有些是樂團有些則是在體育項目中非常傑出。接著就是老師的致詞,老師一字一句的鼓勵,學生跟著掉淚,不捨的感覺漸漸的流露出來,雖然在這個班級裡只有一年的相處時間但我們卻有著滿滿的回憶,一起去遊日月潭,一起去走中橫,一起表演。典禮中唱著風箏,每個人將手機拿出來開著手電筒跟著唱,那畫面真的很感人,結束後大家哭成一片,雖然以後還是見得到面但身邊的同學卻不會是一樣的了。         直升班的畢業典禮圓滿結束,接著我們坐上遊覽車去吃中餐之後到了美術館,每一個作品都非常的精緻,有些是用鐵絲做成的,有些是用縫的,非常的特別也很美麗。我覺得最讓我印象深刻的是一個作品關於猴子,他的猴子做的非常的像,非常的逼真。看完了好多的作品,讓我感觸很深。          接著就是大家最愛的夜市了。今天的夜市就像台灣的一樣,一條路上很多的攤位,有各式各樣的美食,而旁邊也有一個購物中心,讓大家逛了一下之後我們前往暹羅劇場,吃完了晚餐我們進到了劇場內,一進去就有著兩隻大像迎接著我們。七點多我們開始進場,在演出的過程中他們展現了泰國的風俗和他們獨一無二的特色,整個演出非常的精采和華麗,我們班的中隊長也被帶上台,配合著演出的人,完美的完成他們給的任務。這劇場讓我們對泰國的歷史有更深的了解,也讓我更想進一步的認識這個國家。
      Time past so fast, today is the 10th day of our trip. Early in the morning, the students who completed the graduation ceremony got up earlier than others to set up. When the ceremony started, everyone started to come in. The vice president encourage us to work harder in the next three year. The students who got the rewards are very excellent, some of them are good at music, and some of them are good at sports. After the president and the teacher gave out the rewards, it was the time for homeroom teachers to say some words.Sentence by sentence, the teacher encouraged students to do better in high school life. The time we listened to the teacher, our eyes were filled with tears. The feeling of dismay gradually revealed , although the students in this class had only stay together for one year, but we had kept lots of memories together, and we also went to swim the Sun Moon Lake, crossed the island together, performed together. We sang the song named "風爭" and the school song together at last. Everyone took out the flashlight and sang together. It looked so touching. After the ceremony, everyone was crying, although we will still stay together, but some of my friends are still leaving, the school will become different without them. Then, we went to eat our lunch, and it was so delicious. We also went to the nightmarket.       The graduation ceremony ended well. We went to eat lunch, and it tasted well. We ate alot of different food. After lunch, we went to the art gallery. Every work there are very delicate. Some of them were made of iron wire, and some of them were seamed. Every work looked   special and beautiful. To me, the most interesting work is the monkey, the monkey looked so real, and when the time I looked at it, I feel like I was in the natural. After I saw those art works, I learned more things about it, and I also have some more memories. It also change my mind about the art gallery, because I don't like to go to the art gallery when I am small, I think that it was boring, but today I change my mind about it. It was really fun, and I love it.        Next, we went to the nightmarket that everyone loves it. The nightmarket today is just like the nightmarket at Taiwan. There are lots of shop on a street, and there is a department store beside it. After we shopped, we went to the  Siam theater, we ate dinner at there. The food there was very yummy. The time when we were full, we went into the theater. The people on the stage showed out the Thailand culture, and the whole performance is very brilliant and gorgeous. Our leader was leaded to the stage to do a performance with the actors. He finished the performance perfectly. This performance made us know more about Thailand's culture. I will never forget it

