2016年6月22日 星期三


Today, we made many new friends with the students from SWBT. They were very friendly and warmly welcomed us.

We joined their classes and learned with them. They were very nice to us. Although we had difficulties communicating  with each other, we can feel their passion to interact with us.

In the end, we added them in Facebook and started chatting. I believe this is a very good experience and opportunity to make new friends.

 Through Our trip to SWBT and Weiming School, we see many differences between them. The students from SWBT are more friendly and open minded. But most importantly, the three schools including Kang Chiao all emphasize the importance of international trends. They also view English as a very important subject.

We were able to learn about the different style of education in different schools. They also have a different lifestyle. They are used to eating spicy food and Wai instead of saying hi. This unforgettable experience not only teach us about the different culture but also the different countries.

