2015年2月1日 星期日

2015 日本教育旅行 Day 2_ 1102 Team





Since after the Christmas prom, we never saw other classmates wore the special clothes. In this first experience in a variety of different kimono styles of kimono worn in every person have some different flavors. We wore the ancient Japan's culture and experienced for civilization. Makes the travel look more values.


一、和服 わふく Kimono


Japanese shogunate of Japan began to call their native clothes of the period

二、冕服 ロイヤルクラウン minanfu

男性最高等級的禮服名稱。 冕服等級從高到低分為六種,主要「旒」和裳上裝飾和「章紋」相區別。

The name of the highest level of male dress. It divided into six grades from high to low, by tassel and Badge.

三、十二單 じゅうにひとえ Twelve-layered ceremonial kimono


The most formal traditional costumes of female.Generally combine with 5-12 pieces of clothing made with complex combinations.

四、白無垢 ホワイトパラダイス White Paradise


Kimono worn by women during production, the funeral ritual and Shinto wedding ceremony

五、胴丸 どうまる Round copper


Traditional clothing in a suit of armor

六、下駄 げた geta


Traditional Japanese clogs

七、分趾鞋襪 たび tabi


Toe shoes are some of the great toe and the other four separate toe shoes, for use in wearing clogs.

八、沖縄装 ウチナースガイUcinaa sugai


Toe shoes are some of the great toe and the other four separate toe shoes, for use in wearing clogs.

九、 ヘアピン hairpin


The hairpin, its used to hold the hair as well as decorative hair accessories.




After a morning of "snow" baptism, followed kimono experience; dazzling kimono, a variety of styles, as if everyone was the authentic Japanese. Since after the Christmas prom, we never saw other classmates wore the special clothes. We wore the ancient Japan's culture and experienced for civilization. Makes the travel look more valuable. In this first experience in a variety of different kimono styles of kimono worn in every person have some different flavors. Snip, snip...the classmates who had changed the clothes are filled with joy. Each camera took a memorable experience for themselves and their bosom friends.

When the tour guide encourages everyone ready to go to the next destination, some face full of sadness, the others people seem in their eyes saying:" Can I get one to home?" Wearing the kimono and seeing our friends' special dressing for the first time. I believe that after three days is not just full of souvenirs but also full of memories of a rewarding experience.

