Taman Negara 瓜拉大漢國家公園

Taman Negara 國家公園是馬來西亞最受歡迎的國家公園,這兒的風光明媚,在佔地4343平方公尺的園林面積裡,有著覆蓋著森林的高原,高聳的山峰,青翠的山谷以及清澈的溪流,國家公園的高原座落在海拔120公尺至2150公尺的高處(大漢山的頂峰是半島最高的山),由好幾道河流所貫穿,在Green Guide的帶領下,康橋師生搭船過Tembeling 河至公園的入口,展開Lubok Sinpon森林健行及黑河溪邊活動。

晚餐後繼續體驗國家公園的Night Jungle Walk 叢林漫步,學生體驗並觀察熱帶森林的夜生活及多種昆蟲、動植物,傾聽叢林中昆蟲、鳥類和動物的音樂節奏,並前往原住民村落參觀。

心得報告者:G9A 高碩 David Kao

G9A 沈爾文 Irving Shen

G9A 夏啟揚 William Shia
Day 3. Writing this, I am tired and smelly, but it has been a worthwhile day. So far, Malaysia has been a great place. Despite the countless times I have been to Malaysia, I never really got to explore so much of it. It was one of my first times traveling with such a huge group of people. After a long morning of sleep and rest, we went to the world’s oldest rainforest: the multi-million year old Taman Negara National Park. I was quite impressed by how the Malaysians honored their rainforests and respected nature: they would reserve special spots, and only allow 1 camera in our whole group. Having been the camera man, I got to snap down beautiful images which reminded me of how much the Earth supported us and how much mistreatment we gave in return. The sweet, refreshing air emitting from the forest itself, the animals and creeks, all told me this: Nature is beautiful, nature is our home. Don’t destroy it. Thinking back to the grey-skied Taiwan with garbage and waste gas (Isla Formosa), I can only wonder why. Monkeys and birds live peacefully with nature. They keep the environment as it is and protect it. Their home is our home, and they learn to respect it- so why can’t we people do as the animals do?
This is probably the last time our whole 9A came out together on a trip. It felt good to chill out and talk with our grade 9 classmates, because it would probably be the last time we walk out on a trip with our best friends. I hope this trip would not only be fun, I also hope it would be meaningful. For some reason, I have a feeling it would be both. Okay, I’m starting to get excited for the night trek. Where is my torch?

心得報告者:G9A 陳炯衛
The Taman Negara national park is the oldest protected area in Malaysia. Today, because of time restrictions, we only could visit a small section of the park. We took one of the shortest trails to a nearby river. It was an interesting river because unlike most rivers, this one was red instead of bluish green. Also, contrary to common belief, this red water, according to the guide, was cleaner than regular rivers and can be drunk directly without filtration or desolation. After some extra research, I found out that it was the rare earth minerals in the mountainsides washed into and dissolved in the river that caused the reddish color. The minerals also kill bacteria in the waters, resulting in clean, potable water. Later that evening, we did a night run into the forest to see some wildlife. Along the way, we saw a variety of nocturnal life. Ranging from centipedes to scorpions, we saw them all. We even visited a watch tower and glimpsed some wild deer. This trip is just a small glimpse at what is too come. It inspired a fascination for nature inside me and I look forward to tomorrow’s expedition.

心得報告者:G9A 魏立言

更多活動照片:馬新文化交流 Day3 - 馬來西亞國家公園健走以及夜間叢林生態夜遊
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