2013年4月24日 星期三


Wells 國際學校和夜市體驗

心得報告者:9E 吳宣、陳帝維、陶禹丞、韓君禾、郭維哲、鍾維倫

9E 吳宣


9E 陳帝維
It was 6’o clock in the morning and we were ready for our second day to visit the “WELLS “. I brought lollipops as a present for my new friends in this Thai school to appreciate all he introduced about the school to me. Their school isn’t larger or prettier than ours, but they get more and better equipments. We were taken here to learn what they were taught; my partner’s first period was computer lab. “A Google A Day” is how we spent most of our time; it’s a brainstorming game which asks about pretty hard questions from all subjects. Our highest score was about five thousand but still couldn't beat their principle with an impressively high score. My partner’s second period was biology class and the students are demanded to write a project about cardiovascular system. We played basketball, soccer and volleyball in order to test and measure our heartbeat for project needs. I was surprised that the girls played way better than the boys at sports. They’ve made a school team for girls and their girls won the championship of Bangkok. We learned to cook Thai pudding, made traditional lanterns, and spoke Thai for the rest of two periods. It was interesting and fun! I think Taiwanese culture class can be added to our Chinese class. Their students were friendly and nice; someday I would want to visit them again.

9E 陶禹丞
Today we were able to have the opportunity to visit one of Thai’s night markets. It is really different compared with Taiwan’s night markets because their environment is cleaner and there are stores which sell more expensive shirts. In fact, Thai’s night market isn’t really like the night market in my mind. In Taiwan, there are lots of food stands as we walk into the night market, but in Thailand, we saw app stores and some shops that sold special things. AS we walked along, we also saw “Coco”, a Taiwanese drinks company. This is impressive to me when we saw it in the night market, which is in some other country beside Taiwan. Actually, I had noticed that on hot days, an air conditioner is a good tool to attract customers to linger in your shop. Night markets are entertaining places for everybody around the world. I hope everyone can have a good experience during the journey in various night markets, just like us.

9E 韓君禾

9E 鍾維倫
首先,我很高興我能參加這次的12天港泰之旅,我要寫的報告是關於第9天的泰國夜市與威爾斯國際學校,我所要負責的部分是關於威爾斯國際學校的心得。 在這一天,我有一堂印象深刻的課,是關於一款名為A Google A Day的教學小遊戲。這款遊戲是用於測試學生的搜尋引擎之運用能力,在遊戲的過程中,有幾題我覺得非常的具挑戰性,讓我跟我的學伴動破腦筋,但是我們卻玩得非常高興。希望以後有機會,可以再度光臨為威爾斯國際學校,與我的學伴再度見面,重新回顧今天與他經歷的一切。

9E 郭維哲
首先,我要感謝帶我們來的康橋雙語國際學校的校長跟老師還有旅行社的成員們,這是一趟非常不錯的旅程,我想在其他的學校一定沒有如此美好的教學旅遊。 這次我要負責得工作是寫關於威爾斯國際學校的心得,我個人認為威爾斯國際學校跟康橋雙語國際學校來比的話,康橋只是稍微大了點、天氣好了點,如果去掉這些因素的話,我們跟他們是一樣的程度(他們應該好一點)。


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