2013年4月18日 星期四



心得報告者:904 黄仲麒、吳冠穎、羅光立、孔維真、謝昊容、


在可愛的響導『LEE』的帶領下我們展開了這趟旅程,有著如鷹眼一般銳利雙眼的LEE立刻就發現了「鬼掌葉(ghost footprint)

還未從驚喜中回神,LEE又發現了背面可以發光,求救用的「孔雀蕨(sally dinella)」之後陸續發現了二葉松的種子、編織用的藤(可用來做家具,能生長致400m)850歲的大樹(跟為支柱根,木質較脆弱),能夠當砂紙使用的葉子、莖能夠當緊急用水食用的植物,以及樹膠(遇到高溫可以形成琥珀)

還找到『毛毛葉(Hatty Marie Stoma)』葉子加水搓揉後形成白色的泡泡,可以消炎、保濕、止血還可以當防曬乳使用



Walking in the Rainforest

In the lukewarm morning, we prepared to set off to the tropical forests.With the lead of our cute guide, Lee, we began our journey. Like a hawk, Lee discovered the ghost footprint.We were so surprised by it. Later, Lee found a bush of Sally Dinella, which we can use if we need to search for rescue because the color on the back reflects light. We came across seeds that fall down like helicopters, stems that we can weave into furniture, huge trees that lived for 850 years, leaves like sandpaper, stems that we can eat as food and sip its water while emergency, and lastly, tree glue which can turn into the precious amber after meeting high temperature.

We also discovered the Hatty Marie Stoma, which has a furry texture. White foams are created after we rubbed them with water. It can be used to keep your skin moist, block away the sun, soothe the cuts and stop the flow of blood.

We were also very lucky to see a very valuable species of tree, having light red sprouts. The root is a medication to cancer.

At last, we arrived at the canopy, which we were told that it is the longest in the world. Some of us finished it with smiles on our faces, while others conquered their fear and passed it quickly. The whole trip was full of astonishment, but many of us had a sore throat after all the yells on our way.






A Trip to the Aboriginal village

Today was the fourth day of our trip to Malaysia and Singapore, and it was the second day in the rainforest. The weather was still hot, but we were going to the river and get ready to start our activity in the afternoon. We were divided into six groups. Each group got on their own boat, and we were going to the mysterious aboriginal village. We got on the boat and we found out that we had been cheated. They splashed water on our boats and we all got wet. The captain kept splashing the water on us all the way to the aboriginal village. We were so hot when we just got on the boat, but when we got off, we all felt cold with our wet clothes. Soon, we arrived at the village. They introduced their culture and the special relative they had. The most special thing was that they can get married at the age of fourteen, and there was another thing that made me interested was that they wouldn’t bury the corpse. They made houses for them on the trees. If the corpse disappeared, it meant the dead one was a saint; if the corpse fell out, it meant the person had done bad things when alive. Later, they taught us how to make a fire and how to hunt for food. They could make the fire with the wood and shoot the animals with the poison by just blowing a shooting stick. It looked hard to us, but it was easy for them.

We finished our trip to the aboriginal village. It was a different experience we had never had.

During this trip we learned the most important thing that if we respect the nature, the nature will respect us. We all hope that there will be anoer chance to visit this village and forest again.

2013馬新國際教育之旅 Day4:樹頂吊橋雨林生態探索、淡比靈河之旅、馬來村莊巡禮
更多精彩照片就在 活動花絮 裡喔!

