2013年4月22日 星期一



心得報告者:903 謝欣凱、遲 毅、許傳昌、林詩澄、周 芯、吳雨柔


2004,新加坡開始實施「直通車計畫」,有時也稱「綜合課程」。直通車計畫的是給一些成績優異的學生直接跳級。普通水準考試簡稱(GCE 'O' Level)是在他們的小六結束後直接參加。高級水準考試簡稱(GCE 'A' Level),參與此計畫的學校總共有八個學院。分別是:萊佛士初級學院、初中初級學院、國家初級學院、英華中學、淡馬锡初級學院、維多利亞初級學院、立化中學,和我們這次參訪的德明政府中學。









Dunman Governmental Middle School Integrative Program

This program was first applied during 2004, consisting of GCE 'O' Level and GCE 'A' Level, helping students whose scores stood out to skip levels.

Raffles Junior College, Junior Junior College, National Junior College, Anglo-Chinese Secondary Schools, Temasek Junior College, Victoria Junior College, and Valley High School are all schools that use this program.

According the vice principle, it turns out that the students who use this Integrative Program tend to come out as top students, which makes Dunman Middle School the best bilingual school in Singapore.

Today's morning was spent at Singapore's top school, Dunman Governmental Middle School. We attended their flag raising ceremony and saw the magnificent sight of all the students lined up in neat rows, giving of a spectacular auror. They played some games with us to break the ice, and gradually the atmosphere warmed up. We cimbed a lot of stairs and visited many places in the school. The students of Dunman Middle School were all so polite and enthusiastic, and we even got to know some of them! We also had chemistry class with the juniors, which was taught all in English, quite a big difference to what we're used to in Taiwan. Their accents made quite a big difference too, and it was quite fun interpreting what they said. We got to know abit more about the ways of Singapore ad how there system works, and most importantly we experienced that people aren't what they might look like on the outside. Most of them seemed to be very quite and inward, but actually were very lively when it came to interacting with each other. Dunman Middle School is a school very much worth of or learning, and we Kang Chiao students should look up to them and improve ourselves. We look forward very much to tomorrow's visit.

2013馬新國際教育之旅 Day8:新加坡德明政府中學、新加坡文化歷史之旅
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