2016年6月21日 星期二


By 901 李昀珊 王奕涵 陳靖芸 李承恩今天比昨天晚了半小時的起床時間,但因為要整理行李,所以大家應該還是都提早了,在聖淘沙酒店吃了早餐就直接上車前往機場要搭飛機到泰國。在機場時,先發了團照,再發了餐費準備在機場吃午餐,買了午餐,有人決定在機車吃完有人決定帶去飛機上,先省下時間去逛逛,有迪士尼專賣店、有糖果餅乾蛋糕、有賣美妝品保養品,反正就把握所剩的時間在集合時間把東西逛完買完。在集合時間到達了我們的登機口513,我們要搭專門的巴士到飛機旁邊的樓梯接到登機口,坐到定位的我們有的開始呼呼大睡、有的吃自己買的零食午餐、有的拿出了撲克牌,為了渡過這漫長沒有電影的兩個半小時。在機場出關的時候因為班上同學和導遊好像在那裡拍了照當場被海關攔了下來 當下非常緊張 聽了海關講的話說不讓他們進泰國要送回香港或台灣 讓大家非常緊張頭痛 過了這件事讓我們感受到其實他們對外來人不是那麼的友善在經過漫長的航程後,所有學生懷著興奮的心情開啟了泰國之旅,首先是前往著名的宮干古城。位於清邁的宮干古城可謂是一座貨真價實的亞特蘭提斯,曾經繁華後落寞,而被世人所遺忘,當世界再次想起它,又是百年過去了。接下來到了第一間泰國寺廟,大雄寶殿裡頭坐著雄偉的釋迦摩尼佛和外頭神秘的四面佛,體驗了泰國的傳統宗教儀式。拖著一身的疲憊到飯店,學校給了我們充裕的時間休息,6點準時到餐廳用晚餐,餐廳裡除了有泰國的傳統美食還有一些異國料理,這一頓晚餐不僅好吃又有趣,這也使我們3天的繁忙有了喘息的時間。在我們用晚餐時老師特別提醒我們要開班級會議來討論在泰國學校要表演時的事情,這件事讓我們緊張又開心因為是第一次全班在別校面前表演,感受到了全班團結的力量。

We woke up early to sort out our packages, so that we can quickly took off to airport after our breakfast. When we got to the airport, we took a group photo, and teachers gave each students money for our lunch. Someone went to sit down and eat their lunch, and someone went shopping in the airport. Everyone got to the boarding port 513 on time, and we're taking the bus to the airplane's side. When we all got to our own seats, someone started to eat the belated lunch, someone started to sleep, and someone started to play poker cards, to get over the boring two and a half hours.At the airport exit time, our classmates and guides took a picture of them so they were stopped by the customs after listening of the words that spoken by customs we feel really nervous that the customs don't let them go into Thailand this matter that we feel they are actually not so friendly.After the long trip, every students were really excited of starting the Thailand trip. First, we went to the famous Gong Gan ancient city. Gong Gan ancient city was a real Atlantis, it's very flourishing, but it had been forgotten by human being. After hundred years, it had been recalled again. Then we arrived the first Thailand temple, their were Buddha in the Main Hall and the mysterious Phra Phron out of the Main Hall. We deeply experienced the traditional religious.Teachers gave us a full time rest, and we're eating dinner on 6:00P.M. In the restaurant, there're many traditional food and some foreign cuisine. We're having the delicious dinner happily, and also took a rest for the busy schedule. After the dinner, our whole class went to teacher's room to discuss about the performance for Bangkok international school, and it ended of today.

