2016年6月22日 星期三


2016.06.22 星期三
一大早啟程前往泰國當地的菜市場,領隊帶著大家介紹各式當地食材及算錢的方式,講解完就讓我們自由活動逛市場及購買自己想要的東西。有些人買了領隊說的當地特有的小鳳梨,他們也都十分親切對待我們。到了烘培學校,老師熱情的接待我們, 教我們如何煮飯,一開始我們煮了泰式酸辣湯,接著做香蕉糕和泰式炒河粉和綠咖哩,其中我最喜歡的是酸辣湯,裡面充滿了不同的食材,蝦子鮮美和酸酸辣辣的湯頭,讓我們吃了一口就好滿足,老師清楚教了我們步驟,回家之後我們也想回去煮給我們的爸嗎吃,讓他們知道我們去泰國學到了新的技能。
        泰國的雙龍寺,看著黃金色的塔,不同的佛像,大家聽著導遊說著寺廟的一些禁忌和習俗,走到了裡面向僧侶拜三五下,接著他們灑下聖水,訴說著一些話語, 聆聽著我們的聲音,而那將會帶給我們不一樣的幸運,戴著戴著就是三天以上,這三天將會帶給我們不一樣的感覺。
         到了幾乎傍晚時分, 我們來到了夜間動物園。進到了動物園時,映入眼簾的景象就已讓人興奮,象徵泰國的大象在入口威風的站著。我們走進夜間動物園,坐上纜車,一路上看到了好多不同的動物,最讓我們喜愛的是長頸鹿,他們探頭進來吃著我們餵他們的胡蘿蔔和香蕉,許多台灣沒有的動物出現這著。夜色開始漸漸的暗了起來, 我們到了肉食區,導遊慢慢解說一路的動物,也看到了許許多多很有特色的動物,結束了觀賞動物的行程,我們到了廣場看著特技表演和泰國著名的人妖秀,結束了一整天的行程大家也盡速回房休息。

By 902 林孟澤
Today is the second day we stay at Thailand. Our first stop is Thailand's traditional market. Our leader introduce the ingredients and how they count money. When he finished talking, he let us free and buy anything you want. We also bought some small pineapples that our leader recommended. Also the shop keeper act friendly to us.
The second stop was cooking school.    The teacher friendly teaching us cooking. We make Thailand sour and spicy soup at first. Then we make green curry and Thai Fried Noodles. I love the soup the most. The fresh and  sweet shrimps with sour flavor. We were satisfied when we take out first bite. Teacher has impart the steps of those foods. We think we will cook for our parent in the future. We can also let them know what we have learn in here.
Then we sat tuk-tuk car. On the way,everyone was happy in the car, taking pictures,suddenly the driver began to overspeed, and it feel so cool. After a few minutes we went to the fruit market , the time we left the car we smelled durian and other fruits. In this hot summer , to see the stores selling fresh passion fruit juice, everyone who bought a bottle of face with a satisfied smile, as well as people with a local coconut and begin drank coconut milk , coconut is local fresh and sweet . To return driver was very welcoming the initiative to help us take pictures ,taking the tuk-tuk car was super fun.Thailand Doi Suthep Temple , watching the tower , different color gold Buddha , we listened to the tour guide said temple taboos and customs , which come to worship the monks next three to five , then they shed holy water , recounting some of the words, listening to our voice , and that will bring us not the same luck , wearing wearing is more than three days , three days will bring us not the same feeling .
Almost to the evening, we went to the zoo at night . Into the zoo , the scene had been greeted exciting Thailand elephant symbolizes power and prestige stood at the entrance . We went into the zoo at night , get clutch , the way to see a lot of different animals , most of our favorite giraffe , they poked their eating we feed them carrots and bananas and many Taiwan does not appear that the animals . Dark night began to creep up , we went to the meat area , slowly guides explain the way animals have also seen many very unique animal , animal watching trip ended , we went to the square watching the stunts and famous Thailand Simon show, the end of a long day of travel as soon as we can back to the rest room .

