2016年6月25日 星期六


白廟是由建築師Mr Chalermchai Kositppipat 所設計的、這是他畢生的夢想;以象徵純潔的白與象徵智慧的玻璃勾勒出優美聖潔的白廟,讓它在泰國清萊金黃色的陽光下散發出最最美麗的色彩。
這重大的建築工程在開工以來已經過了20年,預計在開工後99年會完工,而設計師Mr. Chalermchai Kositppipat
Wat Rong Khun of Thailand has started building for 20 years.
The Wat Rong Khun was designed by Mr Chalermchai Kositppipat, it is
the dream of his life; this beautiful building formed by the Color
white which stands fore pureness and mirror which stands for wisdom,
and that is what makes it shimmer under the golden sun of Thailand
Ching Lai.
This enormous temple have already started building for 20 years, it is
predicted to be done at the year of 2095, which is 99 years after the
building work had started. The designer Mr Chalermchai Kositppipat
changed part of the plan to make the Wat Rong Khun better in the years
of building the Wat Rong Khun, and also demanded his 54 students to
accept all his designs, and even the dreams and hopes that he has,
only to see the completed Wat Rong Khun before his last day of living.
The thing that we all remembered the most except for the silvery main
temple, is the golden bathroom. The painted picture on the front
wooden door, the tiny clear tiles on the steady floor, thaw shiny
golden walls and the decorations, even the clean, bright long mirror
in front of the marble sink together all made this bathroom lot
fancier than the other ones.
After three hours ,we came back to Chiangmai the name of north rose.
At noon we ate combine Thai and cantonese feast, and then the main
activity is coming "sleeper train ", this is the special experience
for all of us because we don't have this kind of service in Taiwan and
none of us have never experienced the feeling of staying in the train
in the dark night, so we feel excited. This features of the train that
we take is very magnificent,
The body of the train seems that it has been through out the wind and
frost of the years. This row of train also has the special rule, that
is, they will offer some special seats for the monks because in this
country, monks are treated with special honor and respect. The train
that we are going to take is from Chiangmai to Bangkok which is a very
important part that leads to continue our fascinating journey.

