2016年6月26日 星期日

【第三梯】2016中泰國際教育旅行Day8 (6/26)

By 902周芠
Today we went to the coolest market ever: the floating market. Our boats floated serenely over the streets of water. Cheerful Wooden boats floated around, carrying guavas and coconut icecream and warm mangos.The sides of the river were lined with vendors selling trinkets and and coloring pens and fans and bags and and elephant notebooks. An interesting part of it all was the haggling. The shopkeeper would say 400 for a notebook, and then you'd say hmm...., 250? Please? And then you'd keep haggling until you were happy with the price, or until you had absolutely no face to lose anymore. Floating away from the market, I saw a little Thai girl looking out from a window. She saw me looking at her, and waved and smilied at me like I was her long lost friend. I waved and smiled back, with a genuinely warm feeling in my heart. 
The next stop was a mall. There was a Thai painting exhibition on the second floor, but everyone sighed and turned away when they found paintings instead of clothes shops, which was rather sad.
The second mall we went to was colossal in every way. Big building, big floors, a big supermarket and a big bookshop absolutely brimming with the most fascinating, absorbing, juicy juicy books. But there was a problem with the mall. The aquarium. Why on earth would there be an aquarium in a MALL? What on earth would over 6000 different sea creatures be living in a concrete builiding? What on earth were penguins doing in Thailand? I didn't even get to go in and see these poor creatures: one ticket cost 990. And still we prance upon the floors of fashion with no idea what twisted thing are going on beneath us.
We bought our own suppers at the mall, and checked in at the new hotel. Tomorrow is another day, and we shall get to know the students of Sarusas Witaed Bathuathong School.

by 902 蕭宇辰

