2016年6月29日 星期三

【第三梯】2016中泰國際教育旅行Day11 (6/29)

在炎熱的下午,我們懷抱著期待的心情,一同前往大城古蹟,在古蹟當中我們感受到了泰國歷史悠久的文化,站在這宏偉壯觀的古蹟前,彷彿大城王朝往日的輝煌重現在我們的眼前,而走進充滿中國風味的皇室建築,也讓人大開眼界,建築中精密的藝術品,也讓人深刻體會到工匠們的用心,沿途綠意盎然的大樹,也為我們消解了夏日的暑氣, 時間一轉急逝,已到了旅行結束的時候了每個人眼中都流露出依依不捨的心情,舉起彼此的相機合影留念,為這趟旅程畫下圓滿的結局。
  Today was the 11th day of our trip to China and Thailand, we have two more days left from this journey. However, today was an amazing day. In the morning, we headed toward the dock of the cruise liner that we had later stay in and had lunch while on it. While we were on the cruise ship, the weather was great with sunshines and sometimes a gentle breeze on the deck. We had a awesome time singing and enjoying the weather there. It maybe the first time and the last time we will ever see the river's special view, every kind of boats on it, and the busy people or tourists by the riverbank.
  We actually thought that the cruise ride was the easiest and the most relaxing course on the schedule. It's mostly because of the hot and humid weather in Thailand, we enjoy being in places with air conditioner on. Staying on the cruise ship, we can enjoy the air conditioner and the view from the windows at the same time. We had learned a lot in this journey and also made many special and unforgettable memories together.
In this exhausted and hot afternoon, we bring an excited mood forward to the Ayutthaya monuments.
We see the historical culture in Thailand through  the Ayutthaya monuments. While we're standing in front of this spectacular monument, we can feel its former glory and magnificent from it. This architecture shows the  Chinese imperial style and the sophisticated work of art. It's an real eye-opener and also makes us realize the hardworking and careful of the craftsmen. The heat of summer is almost driven away by the   trees on the sidewalk. Time pasts so fast, the trip is nearly over. Everybody's eyes are filled with tears. The tears doesn't only represent our dismay of the trip but also the sadness of leaving our classmates. So we lift up our cameras and take pictures to commemorate every moment we have. And make a perfect ending of this trip.

