2016年6月24日 星期五


902 林宜亭 王李恩 葉晉婷 楊心美

Today is the sixth day of the trip. It was getting tired but more excited. We woke up at an early 7 and started our trip to Chiang Rai. Everyone was sleeping during the journey. We arrived at the Hall of Opium Golden Triangle Park.  Inside the museum, there our world opium poppies. It provides images of opium and heroin and even the history like the Opium War. In the beginning we went through a long and dark tunnel. The two sides of the tunnel demonstrates the embossment of taking drugs and the history of how the Egyptians purify Opiums. We were shocked walking through the tunnel with the acoustooptical. It made it really catching. Many of us have the first experience of seeing a poppy. 湄公河,全長4180公里,發源於中國青海省、終於越南注入南海,是世界最重要的跨國水系,也是亞洲第七長河流 。
河旁的攤販是那樣樸實而熱情   物價低廉且蘊含一種無法言喻的文化氣息 或許語言不通 比手畫腳亦成為另一種有趣的畫面 乘坐著清萊最原始的交通工具 是那樣愜意 讓人想停留在這簡單卻不失韻味的旅途上。
Mekong river is the world's 12th-longest river and 7th-longest in Asia. It connects to Myanmar, Laos, and Thailand, which creates a 「Golden Triangle」. We tried to balance on the boat while we cross over the Mekong River full of brown water.  Beside the river we saw Luang Prabang,it's known for it many Buddhist temples. Look forward across Golden Triangle, Luang Prabang is the most shining building. Those Golden temples and the view of Mekong makes all the tiring worth it. It would be a picture in our mind that we won't ever forget.

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