The First Day In Malaysia
大家期待已久的新馬國際海外教流終於到了,一大早清晨大家以滿心期待的心 情到了機場集合,陸陸續續人來人往,身為班上的導師比大家都還要緊張,而 身為班上幹部的我,當然就要以身做責的管好班上秩序,第一次離開父母和同 學在外旅行,雖然很開心,但心中的緊張是少不了的,出去玩當然就要有收穫, 要深入瞭解馬來西亞以及新加坡的文化,重視不同國家的文化,這次出國,不 僅代表康橋雙語實驗高中的素質,也代表了外國人對台灣人的印象,時間差不 多做好萬全的準被迎接新的體驗吧!
當上飛機後,大家最關心的就是座位的安排,每個人都迫不及待的詢問自己好朋友 的座位,每個人的情況都不同,有人一上飛機就昏昏欲睡,也有人開心的打起撲克 牌。今天的午餐有海鮮炒飯和雞肉麵,兩樣餐點都非常美味,猶如高檔餐廳的山珍 海味.做飛機最興奮就是降落的時候,很像在座自由落體,會一下往上一下往下,讓 每個人都驚叫連連.今天飛機裡都是康橋的同學,就感覺整架飛機被我包起來,對 我國中生生涯是一個難得的經驗,我永生難忘。
由於今天飛機的行程拖的太晚,我們只有一個行程,就是去汽車博物館,這個 f1賽車博物館於1998年建造完工,1999年開始有f1一級方程式的 賽車比賽,這個博物館展覽的很多的汽車,博物館分為兩個展覽廳,一個是展 覽古董汽車以及些許的零件,另外一個則是販賣有關汽車的周邊商品,展覽古 董汽車的展覽廳一共有兩層樓,一個是展示普通的汽車,另外一個則是展示f1賽車,當我逛完這兩層樓的展覽廳以後,才發現有這麼多的汽車都是我前所 未見的,讓我覺得很精彩!
當我們逛完那驚奇的汽車博物館以後,我們驅車前往餐廳的路上,因為路途有 些漫長,所以大家都睡成了一片,忽然導遊叫我們起床,大家才搖頭晃腦的慢 慢起來,原來是餐廳到了!今天晚上吃的是馬來西亞著名的肉骨茶餐,總共有 七道菜,每一道都有獨特的當地風味,令人食指大動,嘖嘖稱奇,我覺得最好 吃的是肉骨茶湯,因為它含有濃濃的中藥味,讓我才來馬來西亞第一天,就很 想家了!而且,也很營養,裡面含有豐富的中藥食材,很補身體呢!號稱:一 吃三補!
At arrival in the Kuala Lumpur International Airport, we quickly spotted traces of local culture abound everywhere we go. Stepping off the plane, we saw the female airport employees, many of whom wore various different headdresses over their hair. These soft looking, thin fabrics come in an assortment of colours, dull or colourful. This is part of the Muslim culture, clearly written in their attire.
And although the name “Malaysia”, took its root from the ethnic group of the “Malays”, they are not the only people who call this nation “home”. Other peoples, including Chinese descendants and those from the Indian Subcontinent, also exist in the land. The variation of ethnicities present is the most direct reflection and living testimony to the history of the migration of populations across the centuries. It simply just thrills me to think of living in a nation with such diverse cultures. Surely, it must have forged great understanding and acceptance of differences in the hearts of these different ethnicities, so unlike each other in their ways of doing, faiths, and languages.
More significantly, one person who really strikes me is the local tour guide who helps out with our group during the trip. A Malaysian woman of Chinese descent, certainly not very old of age yet, has already mastered several languages under the environment of this multi-‐culture. On the bus, she eagerly explained to us about her nation in fluent Chinese, and speaks in English at the same time. Whereas, turning her head to Malay individuals, she is able to communicate with them in their native tongue too. Finally, when I asked her if she happens to speak Fokkien also, she casually demonstrated her knowledge of the dialect.
Having just arrived in Malaysia a few hours ago, we have been exposed to astonishing features of this country already. However, this is only the first day, there is much more to soon be revealed.
心得報告者:9A Coco Chang、Andrew Wang、Sam Chang
Coco Chang
This morning, everyone seemed exhausted, because most of the people woke up in the early morning when every store on the street wasn’t open. Last night, I didn’t even sleep, but I wasn’t excited either. Well, I think I slept for like 20 minutes, it felt like I slept from 1 to 4. After, cleaning up myself. I went to 7-11 and bought my lovely early breakfast. The street was so calm that I could even lie on the road without any premonition. When I finished my breakfast, I realized it was 5:10 AM. So I rushed to Xiaobitan Station, I was expecting I could be the first one. Apparently, some people were already waiting for the bus to get prepared. After few minutes later, the tour guide told us we could get on the bus. I still remember I was the first one! It was so fun! When we arrived to the airport, it was crowded! I couldn’t even take a step forward. After all, we were all checked. Kang Chiao students filled up the A6 gate. I took a snap on the airplane, while everyone was watching movie and stuffs. After the plane is landed. We went straight to F1 automobile museum, and had some fun! After a long journey, we are finally at the hotel’s lobby, sitting on floor and attempting to finish up all the reflections! Such a tiring day! But wish tomorrow would be lovely!
Andrew Wang
Today was a really tiring day. I woke up at five in the morning and hurrying to the meeting point. I was sick the day before and I don’t really feel well. The airplane delayed for twenty minute. On the plane I don’t feel well and fell asleep. When the airplane is about to land, there was turbulence and the plane is moving up and down. My classmates was all shouting and screaming as the plane shake around. While I went of the plane I feel a sudden wave of heat pushing us back to the plane. After a long time of waiting and riding bus, we arrived at a car museum. It was very hot outside the bus. There isn’t a lot in the museum, there are some old cars. However the good thing was that the air conditioning is strong so it is cool inside the building. After that we went to eat dinner. We eat some kind of traditional food of Malaysia. After the dinner we went to the hotel, and now we are at the hotel sitting at the lobby and writing the reflection of today.
Sam Chang
This is the first time I take a airplane, I was excited and scared by the air-flowing which cause the plane to float strongly. The plane was fun, but everything didn’t go quite well after we took off the plane. Those people who fool around, gathering, and blocking the way to our bus, delayed us. We visited a Car Museum; it also has the hardest road to race in Asia. After visit the museum, we went to have the most special food I ever ate in my life - Malaysian Style-, it is exotic by its delicious smell with special herb get from local area. Since the “herb” excited us, we went to the playground and played seesaw with my friend Albert. Later, we went on the bus and came to Pearl International Hotel, despite everybody else went to their hotel room, my project group stayed at the lobby try to finish “The Reflection” order by our corny teacher, staying at lobby waiting for 10p.m. trying to infuse our ideas to them. Sadly, they have thick skulls. At last, the teacher show their mercy toward us by prolong the project times for us to work on the project. With his or her mercy, I can finally sleep less then anybody else. Happily, I finally have about 2 hundreds words which the teacher told us the word amount we should have.
心得報告者:9A Eric yang, Hanson cheng, Michelle lu, Tina lu
在飛機上,我又高興又興奮因為,我們到了馬來西亞就有很多作業等著我們去完成。我在飛機上我先看了一部電影叫不可能的任務,看完之後我們就吃午餐,飛機上有兩種選擇:1.海鮮飯 2.雞肉麵。但是我覺得雞肉麵不好吃。吃完了,我又看了一部電影叫「燃燒吧!歐吉桑!」這部電影是說有一個眷村即將被拆除,而有一隊生存遊戲的槍隊,爲了贏得即將來臨的比賽而在此眷村中練習,可是裏面有住這老人家,他們不想讓他們在這裡練習,及糟蹋他們的老家所以就展開了一場老人與青少年的WARGAME戰爭。最後此槍隊因為輸了比賽而無法再這裡練習,也是因為這個原因而讓他們那隊贏得了亞洲的WARGAME代表權。後來跟這些老人家也成為了好朋友。看完這部電影之後,我小睡一下就到可吉隆坡國際機場。我們在機場機場等了差不多2個小時之後車到了,之後我們就坐車到第一站展開了我們第一天到馬來西亞的旅程。