Hello KCBS,
Finally, today was the day for us to go on the cruise ship. The kids were very excited; I am not sure whether it was because they were looking forward to visiting the Mayan ruins or because they were psyched about the cruise. We did our usual routine,the morning dance, the journal reporting, and then we were given some time to pack up. Almost all the suitcases have gotten"fatter" since their first arrival almost a week ago. I am not really sure where and how did these kids have gotten souvenirs when we only had about 1 hour of shopping. I suppose purchasing souvenirs without being noticed goes right up there with the ability to capture a picture moment as the two essential elements of being an Asian tourist!
We had our lunch in our classroom in Houston before departing for the port at Galveston. We lost our translator Jessica, but got many more adult chaperons. We have a new translator, Eva, who joined us from the space camp. We also got Kerry, Allen, and Mars. The organization, apparently, are worried that the kids would be tempted to re-enact the scene from Titanic and wanted to keep a close eye on them! Haha! Actually, it's in accordance to the cruise regulation; each room must have an adult. So, the students were divided into groups of 3, and there are 2 male chaperons for the 6 boys and 4 female chaperons for the remaining 12 girls. I get Penny and Arielle from KCBS, and another girl named Phoebe whom later was referred to as the "aiya" girl. I believe she gets nervous around me, especially when I speak English to her. So, whenever she sees me, she will smile and say "aiya"!
The checking-in process took a while because it was everybody's first time. Overall, it was not too bad, and we boarded the cruise ship named Carnival Ecstasy as quickly as possible. The first view of the ship was extravagant; I thought we were transformed to Las Vegas. Everything was colorful and shining! I was already dizzy before the ship even took off. Is this why the ship is called Ecstasy? We had some time to find our cabin. The cabin is quite small for four people. There are two retractable beds in the upper walls above the original lower beds. The bathroom is slightly larger than the airport lavatory. When you put 4 people, 3 suitcases that are almost the same size as the girls' there is barely any room for my tiny suitcase. So, I resorted to owning a personal space of 30cm x 30cm where I put my closed suitcase there.
After getting our suitcases and sorting out everything, we met up by the upper deck for some food. Oh, I have to dedicate a paragraph to the food~ Oh, my god! If I don't do it now, I will be talking about food all the time! There is constantly free food at anytime in a lot of different locations. There is hot food, cold cuts, fruits, desserts, ice cream, bread, cookies, and drinks. I thought I had died and gone to heaven! There is a designated restaurant for the regular meals, but at other times, you can get anything to eat/drink and it's all free. Alcohol is the only thing that one has to purchase. Considering my pathetic almost zero alcohol tolerance, I'd save a lot of money. The meals are excellent! You can order anything and everything at the restaurant,eggs made in any way you like, sausages, bacon, potatoes, all kinds of fruits, cereals, and drinks, waffles, pancakes, bread, croissant...etc. Dinner is the same, we can order different entrees each time, or order two if your stomach can store two! Yay~
We couldn't do much on the first day because we didn'?t have a classroom to have lectures and everybody was pretty distracted and/or tired after the initial "wow" and "ooo" so we planned some free time for the kids to explore around the cruise ship and to take the kids to watch the welcoming show. That was pretty nice! Dinnertime was at 8:15pm, and by the time we finished, there was some free time for the kids to burn off the calories by roaming around the ship! That was it for our 1st day on the ship!
2011年1月31日 星期一
2011年1月30日 星期日
休士頓高階太空學校營隊MBA for Youth 相簿連結
Have a giant goal and believe it!
Have a giant goal and believe it!
1/30: Day 7 of the Mayan Trip 馬雅探索:萊斯大學與馬雅考古專家-巴赫德博士
Hello KCBS,
Finally, the kids went shopping today! It has been on their mind since day one,many of them have complained about it. I guess all the praying and hoping has worked, all right!
In the morning, we had the pleasure of having a professor who came to talk to the kids about the Mayan civilization. The lecture was quite interesting with a lot of useful background. The KCBS students asked questions, which was very impressive.
After the lecture, we had lunch first before heading out to Rice University. According to the counselor's information, Rice University is the Harvard of the South. Unfortunately, we were not able to go inside many of the buildings. So, we walked around while Rebecca told us a bit about the school. It was a nice walk!
Rebecca surprised the kids about the trip to the shopping mall when we finished taking a group photo, and the news sent all the kids, especially the girls, screaming and jumping for joy. Everybody stayed focused and together as we quickly returned to the hotel so that people could get ready for the modern battle named "shopping". We took the bus to the Galleria. The kids had an hour,and when Rebecca dismissed them, they went scattering like the Exodus!
We made it back to the hotel without losing anybody or any purchases. The kids did pretty well. We had dinner while watching a history channel video done by Professor Ed. Barnhart, the teacher who will guide us through the Mayan ruins. Most kids were into their own conversation, but a few other students were very into the video. After the video, the kids learned to auction for important things. It was fun to watch them because they interacted well with the presenter and each other.
At the end of one week here in Houston, the kids have finally adjusted into the swing of things. They have realized that the camp is not all fun, but rigorous with lessons and projects. Most importantly, the KCBS students have developed friendship with the kids from other schools. Since the start, they were all in their separate groups. Now, today, I saw them talking, joking, laughing, and laughing with each other. It was very hear-warming to see that these kids getting along. Way to go, guys!
Finally, the kids went shopping today! It has been on their mind since day one,many of them have complained about it. I guess all the praying and hoping has worked, all right!
In the morning, we had the pleasure of having a professor who came to talk to the kids about the Mayan civilization. The lecture was quite interesting with a lot of useful background. The KCBS students asked questions, which was very impressive.
After the lecture, we had lunch first before heading out to Rice University. According to the counselor's information, Rice University is the Harvard of the South. Unfortunately, we were not able to go inside many of the buildings. So, we walked around while Rebecca told us a bit about the school. It was a nice walk!
Rebecca surprised the kids about the trip to the shopping mall when we finished taking a group photo, and the news sent all the kids, especially the girls, screaming and jumping for joy. Everybody stayed focused and together as we quickly returned to the hotel so that people could get ready for the modern battle named "shopping". We took the bus to the Galleria. The kids had an hour,and when Rebecca dismissed them, they went scattering like the Exodus!
We made it back to the hotel without losing anybody or any purchases. The kids did pretty well. We had dinner while watching a history channel video done by Professor Ed. Barnhart, the teacher who will guide us through the Mayan ruins. Most kids were into their own conversation, but a few other students were very into the video. After the video, the kids learned to auction for important things. It was fun to watch them because they interacted well with the presenter and each other.
At the end of one week here in Houston, the kids have finally adjusted into the swing of things. They have realized that the camp is not all fun, but rigorous with lessons and projects. Most importantly, the KCBS students have developed friendship with the kids from other schools. Since the start, they were all in their separate groups. Now, today, I saw them talking, joking, laughing, and laughing with each other. It was very hear-warming to see that these kids getting along. Way to go, guys!
2011年1月29日 星期六
1/29- Day 6 of the Mayan Trip馬雅探索:參觀海軍戰艦德克薩斯號
Hello KCBS,
We experienced a very interesting part of Texan history today when we went to visit the USS Texas and the exact location of a pivotal battle between the Texans and the Mexicans. It was a good day because it was a day about history, my favorite subject. Unfortunately, I had a slight headache because my nose was all stuffed up. So, this journal entry is not going to be very exciting, and I apologize for that!
OK, a little bit on the history about USS Texas:It is the last of the world's big-gun battleships designed and built at the beginning of the 20th century. She is also now the only surviving US naval ship that served in both World Wars. In World War I, she participated with the American squadron in maneuvers in the North Sea against threats from the German High Seas Fleet. In World War II, she provided support for the landing at Iwo Jima and also took part in the invasion of Okinawa later.
The tour guide for the group, Tim, was an awesome guide. He first took the kids down to a classroom inside the battleship for a game of "battleship". Using that game, he talked to the kids about the role of USS Texas during World War I. The kids enjoyed the game and of course, the students who represented the US won collectively as a group. After the game, the tour began. Tim took us through the upper deck and explained the different offensive and defensive weapons the Texas battleship had. The amazing part was when Tim took us below the deck to the different levels. Through the different sections, he took us through the lives of the sailors, the officers, the marines, and their daily routine involving eating, entertaining, and playing practical jokes on each other. We really got a very thorough tour of the battleship as Tim made history come alive!
The tour took longer than it should, so we had to have lunch before moving onto the next part. After lunch, the tour continued with the students learning how to send messages to each other using flags. Our kids did a wonderful job~ every word was correctly flagged and received by the other team. Awesome, kids! I thought the flagging was the last part, but Tim took us on a short hike to the battleground. He talked us through the history with the clothing from the time, and explained the weapons used during that time. The kids had a lot of fun posing for pictures with the different weapons. That was hilarious!
By the time we were finished, it was time for dinner. We went to Johnson Space Center to pick up the space camp kids before heading over to a Chinese/Japanese buffet restaurant. The kids were too tired, but they were very into the food. We had a whole section to ourselves and we hoarded a lot of food. We ate so much that the bus almost couldn't bring us back to the hotel and everybody's pants zippers and buttons popped.
If you think that was the end of the day, you would be wrong,the students still had to present their art project, and we still had a lesson on Mayan mathematics theory based on 20. I could not believe that the kids could keep going with the amount of sleep they had the night before. Under the circumstances, the kids did a good job! With that,good night!
We experienced a very interesting part of Texan history today when we went to visit the USS Texas and the exact location of a pivotal battle between the Texans and the Mexicans. It was a good day because it was a day about history, my favorite subject. Unfortunately, I had a slight headache because my nose was all stuffed up. So, this journal entry is not going to be very exciting, and I apologize for that!
OK, a little bit on the history about USS Texas:It is the last of the world's big-gun battleships designed and built at the beginning of the 20th century. She is also now the only surviving US naval ship that served in both World Wars. In World War I, she participated with the American squadron in maneuvers in the North Sea against threats from the German High Seas Fleet. In World War II, she provided support for the landing at Iwo Jima and also took part in the invasion of Okinawa later.
The tour guide for the group, Tim, was an awesome guide. He first took the kids down to a classroom inside the battleship for a game of "battleship". Using that game, he talked to the kids about the role of USS Texas during World War I. The kids enjoyed the game and of course, the students who represented the US won collectively as a group. After the game, the tour began. Tim took us through the upper deck and explained the different offensive and defensive weapons the Texas battleship had. The amazing part was when Tim took us below the deck to the different levels. Through the different sections, he took us through the lives of the sailors, the officers, the marines, and their daily routine involving eating, entertaining, and playing practical jokes on each other. We really got a very thorough tour of the battleship as Tim made history come alive!
The tour took longer than it should, so we had to have lunch before moving onto the next part. After lunch, the tour continued with the students learning how to send messages to each other using flags. Our kids did a wonderful job~ every word was correctly flagged and received by the other team. Awesome, kids! I thought the flagging was the last part, but Tim took us on a short hike to the battleground. He talked us through the history with the clothing from the time, and explained the weapons used during that time. The kids had a lot of fun posing for pictures with the different weapons. That was hilarious!
By the time we were finished, it was time for dinner. We went to Johnson Space Center to pick up the space camp kids before heading over to a Chinese/Japanese buffet restaurant. The kids were too tired, but they were very into the food. We had a whole section to ourselves and we hoarded a lot of food. We ate so much that the bus almost couldn't bring us back to the hotel and everybody's pants zippers and buttons popped.
If you think that was the end of the day, you would be wrong,the students still had to present their art project, and we still had a lesson on Mayan mathematics theory based on 20. I could not believe that the kids could keep going with the amount of sleep they had the night before. Under the circumstances, the kids did a good job! With that,good night!

2011年1月28日 星期五
1/28: Day 4 of the Mayan Trip 馬雅探索:"歌舞青春"音樂劇表演與當代手工藝博物館
Hello KCBS,
The highlights of today were the musical dancing training and the dinner! No,it is not because of my impeccable attention to food. It was seriously the look on the kids' face,and it was not a direct projection of my state of mind.
Let us start from the beginning! The day actually started on a seriously negative note. More than half of the students were late showing up for class at 7:30am, so we missed the lesson on the 7 habits. After breakfast, we quickly met up and left for the Hobby Center,where the kids were going to be STARS of the High School Musical. The instructor simplified a number from the musical titled "Together"down to several routines and taught the students the basics to dancing. Although the students didn't get to do all three elements of a musical, which I learned, involves dancing, singing, and acting, they still got to experience the learning process of a dance routine. They also learned a few moves, which was way cool~ I didn't want to embarrass the kids by joining in because they all know that once Ms. Frankie gets out there the spotlight will be on her! Haha, yeah, not! Learning to dance is very much like teaching.always through repetition and scaffolding on what the kids already know. In the end, the kids did pretty well and the instructor complimented on our effort to cooperate! After we did our number, we received a private inside tour around the back of the theater. That was cool, especially when we got to see the dressing room and the mechanics behind the staging area.
After that, we took a short break and went back to the hotel for lunch. If dancing was not enough of an artistic stimulation, we went to the Contemporary Crafts Museum/Workshop for more artistic influence. We were honored enough to have a local artist that worked with the medium of glass teaching the kids how to make their own glass magnets. All the kids were fairly excited to work the difficult medium. The process involves cutting up different pieces of colored glass and making a composition juxtaposing the different colors and the play on positive and negative space. The kids were very quickly to finish their pieces to place in the kiln. While we wait, we got a professional tour of the museum by a very experience tour guide. I took some time away from the tour to wander around the gift shop and to visit"Sleeping Land". The students started on their first project, which was to interview a local artist and to create a presentation that ,sells,the artist. The kids took the project pretty seriously, coming up with questions, rehearsing the interviewing, and assigning roles to people. That was very rewarding to watch.
By the time we went back to the hotel, the dinner that was waiting for us lifted everyone's spirit! When we were doing the cow drive the other day, the guide spent a lot of time talking about the importance of food. I don't think the kids understood what he was trying to get at, but they experienced it when they saw the dinner. Since we have been here, the kids have experienced all the typical American food. Some of them were missing rice and basic Chinese food. So,someone must have read our minds, because we got Chinese take-out for dinner! I wanted to take pictures of the kids sticking their faces into the dinner box, but I was too busy devouring the delicious rice that brought tears to my eyes!
The tears of joy continued when I found out that we had an early night! I quickly retreated to my room and relaxed. I picked out my laundry, took a long shower, and hung out in my pajamas. Unfortunately, the kids had to work on their project. Poor kids!
All right...Frankie is going to join the simple pleasure of life...TV and crawling in bed...Later!
PS: the video will be supplied later! I did my job!
The highlights of today were the musical dancing training and the dinner! No,it is not because of my impeccable attention to food. It was seriously the look on the kids' face,and it was not a direct projection of my state of mind.
Let us start from the beginning! The day actually started on a seriously negative note. More than half of the students were late showing up for class at 7:30am, so we missed the lesson on the 7 habits. After breakfast, we quickly met up and left for the Hobby Center,where the kids were going to be STARS of the High School Musical. The instructor simplified a number from the musical titled "Together"down to several routines and taught the students the basics to dancing. Although the students didn't get to do all three elements of a musical, which I learned, involves dancing, singing, and acting, they still got to experience the learning process of a dance routine. They also learned a few moves, which was way cool~ I didn't want to embarrass the kids by joining in because they all know that once Ms. Frankie gets out there the spotlight will be on her! Haha, yeah, not! Learning to dance is very much like teaching.always through repetition and scaffolding on what the kids already know. In the end, the kids did pretty well and the instructor complimented on our effort to cooperate! After we did our number, we received a private inside tour around the back of the theater. That was cool, especially when we got to see the dressing room and the mechanics behind the staging area.
After that, we took a short break and went back to the hotel for lunch. If dancing was not enough of an artistic stimulation, we went to the Contemporary Crafts Museum/Workshop for more artistic influence. We were honored enough to have a local artist that worked with the medium of glass teaching the kids how to make their own glass magnets. All the kids were fairly excited to work the difficult medium. The process involves cutting up different pieces of colored glass and making a composition juxtaposing the different colors and the play on positive and negative space. The kids were very quickly to finish their pieces to place in the kiln. While we wait, we got a professional tour of the museum by a very experience tour guide. I took some time away from the tour to wander around the gift shop and to visit"Sleeping Land". The students started on their first project, which was to interview a local artist and to create a presentation that ,sells,the artist. The kids took the project pretty seriously, coming up with questions, rehearsing the interviewing, and assigning roles to people. That was very rewarding to watch.
By the time we went back to the hotel, the dinner that was waiting for us lifted everyone's spirit! When we were doing the cow drive the other day, the guide spent a lot of time talking about the importance of food. I don't think the kids understood what he was trying to get at, but they experienced it when they saw the dinner. Since we have been here, the kids have experienced all the typical American food. Some of them were missing rice and basic Chinese food. So,someone must have read our minds, because we got Chinese take-out for dinner! I wanted to take pictures of the kids sticking their faces into the dinner box, but I was too busy devouring the delicious rice that brought tears to my eyes!
The tears of joy continued when I found out that we had an early night! I quickly retreated to my room and relaxed. I picked out my laundry, took a long shower, and hung out in my pajamas. Unfortunately, the kids had to work on their project. Poor kids!
All right...Frankie is going to join the simple pleasure of life...TV and crawling in bed...Later!
PS: the video will be supplied later! I did my job!
2011年1月27日 星期四
馬雅日誌:North-Xaman-White 李軒欣 Jerry
今天是來到休士頓的第三天,7:30我一如往常的到會議室集合,不過有隊員遲到了,所以早上就沒有跳太空舞了,而且因為晚了大概半個小時,所以老師讓我們先吃東西,在進行日誌PK,看著大家的日誌都講得那麼好 ,我的心裡開始緊張了起來,真希望明天我不要出錯……。
2011年1月26日 星期三
馬雅日誌:East-Lakin-Red 陳偉博 Wilbur
早上大概講了7-HABITS,要怎樣才能有好習慣,習慣很重要,可以讓人成功,也讓人失敗,也學了Personal Bank,要隨時存款,以防萬一,不得已時才有本錢要提款時,
今天去了德州牧場,做了很多活動,模擬19世紀時,把牛從買主家趕到市場,有人當牛,有人當牛仔,中途會遇到一堆事情,有牛被搶,過河,有火災.要注意腳下的蟻窩,那些是火蟻的窩,那個講解的牛仔說大家都喜歡吃 so一定要有一個好的COOK,不然大家都不會想工作.
晚上看NBA 大家都看起來超累的 球賽瞞精彩的
早上要去百老匯 我不喜歡演戲 可是 應該是一定要演 我今天做大的突破就是
在演戲時要do my best 不管選到哪個腳色 都要用心的去演
我希望大家給我支持 不管要哪方面支持 就是支持我就對了
我很會搞笑,我可以讓我團隊開心,如果你不開心的話 可以來找我 I can make U happy
我要感謝我爸媽 出錢讓我來&還要感謝HASSE策劃這個活動
馬雅日誌:West-Chikin-Black 施天韻 Arielle
Today is an awesome day since we went to two great places. The first place we went is a farm. They have all kinds of animals. It was the first time I’ve ever talk to a cowboy person to person and even learn how to use the rope to catch a cow! The clothes that cowboys are wearing could not be seen on the streets so it was a really cool experience for me.
I was hoping to ride on a horse but we didn’t. I have ride horses before but I thought this time might be different. The cowboys showed us how they take care of the cows, make sure they don’t get any disease , and also showed us how they take a shower. That was a scene I have never seen and I think it is really cool.
After we had dinner, we went to the NBA game. I was so excited about it because Ive always wanted to watch a whole NBA game with my own eye. I don’t really know anything about the teams in basketball world but since it’s a NBA game and it’s in Texas and it’s a life game, that would satisfy me then. I bought a hat as a souvenir. The game was great I screamed and cheered for the Rocket and finally they win the game!
This is the day I saw things I have never seen before and I feel really lucky to experience this day with everyone right here.
I was hoping to ride on a horse but we didn’t. I have ride horses before but I thought this time might be different. The cowboys showed us how they take care of the cows, make sure they don’t get any disease , and also showed us how they take a shower. That was a scene I have never seen and I think it is really cool.
After we had dinner, we went to the NBA game. I was so excited about it because Ive always wanted to watch a whole NBA game with my own eye. I don’t really know anything about the teams in basketball world but since it’s a NBA game and it’s in Texas and it’s a life game, that would satisfy me then. I bought a hat as a souvenir. The game was great I screamed and cheered for the Rocket and finally they win the game!
This is the day I saw things I have never seen before and I feel really lucky to experience this day with everyone right here.
馬雅日誌:North-Xaman-White 陳平 Angela
We woke up at 7 this morning, doing the ‘Hasse dance’, had our first morning quiz, presentation, and our first lesson of 7 habbits. Later, we had our breakfast then head to the Houston farm, we’ve saw lots of chickens running around (because some of us were chasing after them…). We also get to see other animals such as pigs, cattles (longhorns) and horses (for the cowboys!)
We spend our lunch there. After that, we had a lesson on a cowboy history where we learnt how the cowboys take their cattles on a long drive for 3 to 5 months. It was a difficult task. We as a group had to play the roles of a trial leader (Pohan), a cook (Penny), a swamper (Andy), a scout (Ms. Frankie), a scribe (Me!), cowboys and cattles for the rest of the group. We learnt that a head per each cattle cost 9 dollars, 200 dollars for all theh supplies including a bag of brown sugar, a bag of salt, 3 riffles, 2 bags of ammo, a bag of lard, a bag of tabacco, a bag of coffee, a bag of potato, and cooking utensils.
We also learnt that there were all kinds of difficulties along the way, for example, dead deer in the water, poision water by the land owner; trade with land owner for crossing the land in a short time. (We trade with a rifle and a bag of ammo.) Last but not least, we faced were the red river. The cowboys were afraid of swimming therefore they need to get some help - the horses who are natural swimmer. We’ve lost 50 cattles due to lacking of concertration of the cowboys. And finally, we lost 10 more cattles due to the great fire, the smoke which caused a stampede. It was hard for a cowboy to make profit because the trail boss also hd to pay 15 dollars per each ccowboy, the scout, the swamper, and the scribe. He himself got 60 dollars per month. As for the cook, she got 100 dollars per month. We had 3000 cattle for start, we lost 60 in total, but we did make some profit!
After dinner, we went to see the NBA which was a madness!! It was crazy! (though we hardly knew the rules of the game!) The place was chaotic! I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s program which was a lesson from the broadway. Apparently we’re going to learn a piece from High School Musical. I hope that my teammates would give me supports, I would like to give them help as long as they need me! I would like to give out more ideas for my teammates. In conclusion, I would like to thanks my parents for this wonderful opportunity, and also I want to say thanks to all the teachers from Hasse, thank you for giving us this amazing, unique program.
We spend our lunch there. After that, we had a lesson on a cowboy history where we learnt how the cowboys take their cattles on a long drive for 3 to 5 months. It was a difficult task. We as a group had to play the roles of a trial leader (Pohan), a cook (Penny), a swamper (Andy), a scout (Ms. Frankie), a scribe (Me!), cowboys and cattles for the rest of the group. We learnt that a head per each cattle cost 9 dollars, 200 dollars for all theh supplies including a bag of brown sugar, a bag of salt, 3 riffles, 2 bags of ammo, a bag of lard, a bag of tabacco, a bag of coffee, a bag of potato, and cooking utensils.
We also learnt that there were all kinds of difficulties along the way, for example, dead deer in the water, poision water by the land owner; trade with land owner for crossing the land in a short time. (We trade with a rifle and a bag of ammo.) Last but not least, we faced were the red river. The cowboys were afraid of swimming therefore they need to get some help - the horses who are natural swimmer. We’ve lost 50 cattles due to lacking of concertration of the cowboys. And finally, we lost 10 more cattles due to the great fire, the smoke which caused a stampede. It was hard for a cowboy to make profit because the trail boss also hd to pay 15 dollars per each ccowboy, the scout, the swamper, and the scribe. He himself got 60 dollars per month. As for the cook, she got 100 dollars per month. We had 3000 cattle for start, we lost 60 in total, but we did make some profit!
After dinner, we went to see the NBA which was a madness!! It was crazy! (though we hardly knew the rules of the game!) The place was chaotic! I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s program which was a lesson from the broadway. Apparently we’re going to learn a piece from High School Musical. I hope that my teammates would give me supports, I would like to give them help as long as they need me! I would like to give out more ideas for my teammates. In conclusion, I would like to thanks my parents for this wonderful opportunity, and also I want to say thanks to all the teachers from Hasse, thank you for giving us this amazing, unique program.
1/26: Day 3 of the Mayan Trip 馬雅探索:德州牛仔文化歷史與NBA球賽
Hi, KCBS! This is Frankie, more energized and focused, but still jet-lagged and haunted by an irritating cough, reporting from Houston. You know what they say, the second day is always better than the first and it is certainly true for us folks from Houston~
Today was exciting! We got to experience the traditional history of Texan cowboys and the modern entertainment of an all-American NBA game between the Houston Rockets and the LA Clippers. I'm telling y'all, life doesn't get better than this,heeheehee! (I was almost tempted to say I'd move to Houston! Don't worry, California, you are still in my heart!)
Before leaving for George Ranch Historical Park, the kids had their morning routine, their morning report, and a short lesson on the seven habits of an effective teenager. The kids' routine in the morning included a wake-up dance, a journal/reflection from different students, and then breakfast. I would like to say that the wake-up dance is my favorite part, but I'd by lying my favorite part is and always will be breakfast! (I promise to try very hard NOT to focus on the food only)
After breakfast, the students had a lesson on the seven habits of an affective teenager. It was easy enough for the kids to understand. I hope the kids will find it helpful by actually applying the habits throughout the trip, their school life, and their future.
The trip to George Ranch Historical Park was a nice glimpse into the life of Texans in late 1800s. One of the houses had actual tools and the setting; the realism and its fine details satisfied everyone's photo-taking urge. We all had fun, even I, an anti-photography person, took pictures of the amazing beauty of the traditional West and of the majestic nature around it. After feeding ourselves with hot dogs, we were ready for the cow drive! Yes, you heard it right-driving cows from Texas to Kansas. I forgot to mention that it was just a simulation! Roles needed to be selected, contract was signed, and supplies were purchased. As we headed out, we had to utilize our problem-solving skills to come up with solutions against difficulties. The cow drive was not smooth from the start; all of us started off working for nothing because our boss, whose name I will not mention, decided to spend all his money on supplies. Oh, yeah,there were a lot whining and complaining along the way. In the end, we made around 400 dollars, which was pretty back in the late 1800s. According to the people from the ranch, we were the first group who knew how to escort cows across the river. I believe that brought smile of pride on all the kids' faces!
After the cow drive, we had to drive our tired selves back to the hotel for dinner. Underneath all the exhaustion that dragged along our feet and lingered in the air, all of us were excited about the next event ~ NBA game live! I may be exaggerating, maybe just the boys who are basketball fans and me!
We had good seats and were able to watch the game clearly from the 4th floor. The experience of watching the game live is something more than words can describe. The only thing is that you must keep your eyes on the game all the time because there was not going to be any replays. I missed a couple of sweet fast drives and expected to enjoy it again but I was surely disappointed. Oh well, c'est la vie!
We ended the game with a triumphant walk back to our hotel under a sky full of stars and the air filled with glory. Even though none of us are real Rocket fans, but the fact that we are in Houston and Houston's home team won, it was hard not be infected with the winning glow!
All right, Frankie certainly feels like a winner after completing this journal entry. Until our next time, here is Frankie and the KCBS kids from Houston!
Today was exciting! We got to experience the traditional history of Texan cowboys and the modern entertainment of an all-American NBA game between the Houston Rockets and the LA Clippers. I'm telling y'all, life doesn't get better than this,heeheehee! (I was almost tempted to say I'd move to Houston! Don't worry, California, you are still in my heart!)
Before leaving for George Ranch Historical Park, the kids had their morning routine, their morning report, and a short lesson on the seven habits of an effective teenager. The kids' routine in the morning included a wake-up dance, a journal/reflection from different students, and then breakfast. I would like to say that the wake-up dance is my favorite part, but I'd by lying my favorite part is and always will be breakfast! (I promise to try very hard NOT to focus on the food only)
After breakfast, the students had a lesson on the seven habits of an affective teenager. It was easy enough for the kids to understand. I hope the kids will find it helpful by actually applying the habits throughout the trip, their school life, and their future.
The trip to George Ranch Historical Park was a nice glimpse into the life of Texans in late 1800s. One of the houses had actual tools and the setting; the realism and its fine details satisfied everyone's photo-taking urge. We all had fun, even I, an anti-photography person, took pictures of the amazing beauty of the traditional West and of the majestic nature around it. After feeding ourselves with hot dogs, we were ready for the cow drive! Yes, you heard it right-driving cows from Texas to Kansas. I forgot to mention that it was just a simulation! Roles needed to be selected, contract was signed, and supplies were purchased. As we headed out, we had to utilize our problem-solving skills to come up with solutions against difficulties. The cow drive was not smooth from the start; all of us started off working for nothing because our boss, whose name I will not mention, decided to spend all his money on supplies. Oh, yeah,there were a lot whining and complaining along the way. In the end, we made around 400 dollars, which was pretty back in the late 1800s. According to the people from the ranch, we were the first group who knew how to escort cows across the river. I believe that brought smile of pride on all the kids' faces!
After the cow drive, we had to drive our tired selves back to the hotel for dinner. Underneath all the exhaustion that dragged along our feet and lingered in the air, all of us were excited about the next event ~ NBA game live! I may be exaggerating, maybe just the boys who are basketball fans and me!
We had good seats and were able to watch the game clearly from the 4th floor. The experience of watching the game live is something more than words can describe. The only thing is that you must keep your eyes on the game all the time because there was not going to be any replays. I missed a couple of sweet fast drives and expected to enjoy it again but I was surely disappointed. Oh well, c'est la vie!
We ended the game with a triumphant walk back to our hotel under a sky full of stars and the air filled with glory. Even though none of us are real Rocket fans, but the fact that we are in Houston and Houston's home team won, it was hard not be infected with the winning glow!
All right, Frankie certainly feels like a winner after completing this journal entry. Until our next time, here is Frankie and the KCBS kids from Houston!
2011年1月25日 星期二
1/25: Day 2 of the Mayan Trip 馬雅探索:休士頓現代藝術博物館
Hello KCBS,
All right! We have all survived the flight from LA to Houston! There is a reason why they call these midnight flights the "red eyes"...We literally all came off the flight with red eyes...red with exhaustion and hunger.
We met our loyal luggage, and somehow, they have gained a couple of pounds...just like every muscle in our body! But, NOT ONLY did we manage to keep all the people, we didn't lose any of our stuff. (knock on wood) Luckily, the bus that greeted us right outside the baggage claim was nice.
What happened following that was a surreal blur because I honestly don't remember. I think our luggage dragged us into the hotel, where we were devastated to find out that we couldn't check in and that there was a whole day of lessons waiting for us.
Joe, the presenter of the morning lesson, led us into the kids' classroom for the next week. All of us, me included, were in a state of brain coma. He introduced Houston, our upcoming program for the week, and the rules for staying in the hotel. He was a good speaker and got us to laugh a little. Wait, maybe it was the fact that he announced there was breakfast that made us laugh...can't recall exactly.
The hotel was nice enough for us to check in at around 11:40am for a 30-minute break to change and freshen up. I took one of my famous 5-minute showers. When I met up with all the kids later, they were in new clothes, but still looked sluggish.
We took the public transportation to the Modern Art Museum. We were given lunch before the tour started. Our tour guide Lauren, was very nice. She gave us a very general yet informative tour around the museum, staring with the history of the museum, the different collections available, and took us through a quick glance at western art. I enjoyed it, minus the fact that there were these security guards who kept telling the kids not to wander off or to get too close to the paintings.
We got some time off after coming back from the museum, and I believe everyone's only thought was to get better acquainted with their bed. Dinner time was 6:15pm. Dinner was pizza and soft drink, and our dinner lesson was to watch High School Musical. It was nice to end the day like that.
I apologize for the poor quality of this entry, but the kids and I had a serious work out today! So, to make up for the lack of quality, I will attach some photos I managed to bribe the kids into taking...this is Frankie, from Houston!
All right! We have all survived the flight from LA to Houston! There is a reason why they call these midnight flights the "red eyes"...We literally all came off the flight with red eyes...red with exhaustion and hunger.
We met our loyal luggage, and somehow, they have gained a couple of pounds...just like every muscle in our body! But, NOT ONLY did we manage to keep all the people, we didn't lose any of our stuff. (knock on wood) Luckily, the bus that greeted us right outside the baggage claim was nice.
What happened following that was a surreal blur because I honestly don't remember. I think our luggage dragged us into the hotel, where we were devastated to find out that we couldn't check in and that there was a whole day of lessons waiting for us.
Joe, the presenter of the morning lesson, led us into the kids' classroom for the next week. All of us, me included, were in a state of brain coma. He introduced Houston, our upcoming program for the week, and the rules for staying in the hotel. He was a good speaker and got us to laugh a little. Wait, maybe it was the fact that he announced there was breakfast that made us laugh...can't recall exactly.
The hotel was nice enough for us to check in at around 11:40am for a 30-minute break to change and freshen up. I took one of my famous 5-minute showers. When I met up with all the kids later, they were in new clothes, but still looked sluggish.
We took the public transportation to the Modern Art Museum. We were given lunch before the tour started. Our tour guide Lauren, was very nice. She gave us a very general yet informative tour around the museum, staring with the history of the museum, the different collections available, and took us through a quick glance at western art. I enjoyed it, minus the fact that there were these security guards who kept telling the kids not to wander off or to get too close to the paintings.
We got some time off after coming back from the museum, and I believe everyone's only thought was to get better acquainted with their bed. Dinner time was 6:15pm. Dinner was pizza and soft drink, and our dinner lesson was to watch High School Musical. It was nice to end the day like that.
I apologize for the poor quality of this entry, but the kids and I had a serious work out today! So, to make up for the lack of quality, I will attach some photos I managed to bribe the kids into taking...this is Frankie, from Houston!
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