2011年1月30日 星期日

1/30: Day 7 of the Mayan Trip 馬雅探索:萊斯大學與馬雅考古專家-巴赫德博士

Hello KCBS,

Finally, the kids went shopping today!  It has been on their mind since day one,many of them have complained about it.  I guess all the praying and hoping has worked, all right!

In the morning, we had the pleasure of having a professor who came to talk to the kids about the Mayan civilization.  The lecture was quite interesting with a lot of useful background.  The KCBS students asked questions, which was very impressive.

After the lecture, we had lunch first before heading out to Rice University.  According to the counselor's information, Rice University is the Harvard of the South.  Unfortunately, we were not able to go inside many of the buildings.  So, we walked around while Rebecca told us a bit about the school.  It was a nice walk!

Rebecca surprised the kids about the trip to the shopping mall when we finished taking a group photo, and the news sent all the kids, especially the girls, screaming and jumping for joy.  Everybody stayed focused and together as we quickly returned to the hotel so that people could get ready for the modern battle named "shopping".  We took the bus to the Galleria.  The kids had an hour,
and when Rebecca dismissed them, they went scattering like the Exodus!

We made it back to the hotel without losing anybody or any purchases.  The kids did pretty well.  We had dinner while watching a history channel video done by Professor Ed. Barnhart, the teacher who will guide us through the Mayan ruins.  Most kids were into their own conversation, but a few other students were very into the video.  After the video, the kids learned to auction for important things.  It was fun to watch them because they interacted well with the presenter and each other.

At the end of one week here in Houston, the kids have finally adjusted into the swing of things.  They have realized that the camp is not all fun, but rigorous with lessons and projects.  Most importantly, the KCBS students have developed friendship with the kids from other schools.  Since the start, they were all in their separate groups.  Now, today, I saw them talking, joking, laughing, and laughing with each other.  It was very hear-warming to see that these kids getting along.  Way to go, guys!


