2011年1月24日 星期一

1/24高階太空學校日誌Red Team Thomas Lo 羅光偉

This morning, with tiring eyes we entered the room. It was a bit cold, but the greeting of others warmed my heart up and I was no longer sleepy. Simple breakfast filled my hunger with great satisfaction. No surprise, everyone was happy and prepared to give today a good one. The music started, it was powerful, so powerful that even my passion began to grow within the music’s beat. We danced the space dance. The action bound everyone’s heart into one big group. That moment, we were not a team, but as one individual.

After that, James introduced a man’s moment of lifetime. Erik, he is a blind man who climbed up the Mount Everest. I was touched by his story. Although he was blind, but he used his own way to see the world. He used his feet and other senses to feel the world. He had his own Mount Everest different from others. While the leader asked him if he would like to climb the mountain, he said yes. Not just because he was blind and wants to prove he can, but also because his sight came back. His team became his eyes and led him all the way up to the top of the world. 

After that, we had a short break after we went to Rice University. The weather was bad, like really bad. It was raining cats and dogs. Everyone’s shoes and clothes were wet. It was a tough road to the destination. We arrived at the university with exhaustion. We finished our meal fast and clean.

We all went into a classroom. Inside the classroom, there was this old man with kind smile stood at the right corner of the classroom.  He was Dr. Tayfun. He briefly introduced himself and started his speech about the parachute. He spoke in a humorous way and not forget to add jokes here and there. I found it interesting to listen to him. He explained the confusing topic so easy and clear that even we as high school students can understand his words. At the end, we took pictures with him, and I asked him to help me sign his name on a poster of Rice University. This was a new experience to me and I appreciated this. Meanwhile, we had a project about Rice University. We were going to take shots from the campus and happen to make a short movie to briefly introduce Rice University. I had to say. It was hard to tell where to go as a visitor since the campus was unfamiliar to me and it was quite a big campus.

We finally found the school of social science after a long walk. We even met the associate dean of school of social sciences. She introduced the school of social science and gave our group a guidebook and a T-shirt. It was an exciting experience. We took our shots and went back to meet others.  In addition, today is full of excitement, and we participated in every project. I would like to have a good rest tonight and be ready for tomorrow’s excitement.

