2011年1月28日 星期五

1/28: Day 4 of the Mayan Trip 馬雅探索:"歌舞青春"音樂劇表演與當代手工藝博物館

Hello KCBS,

The highlights of today were the musical dancing training and the dinner!  No,it is not because of my impeccable attention to food.  It was seriously the look on the kids' face,and it was not a direct projection of my state of mind.

Let us start from the beginning!  The day actually started on a seriously negative note.  More than half of the students were late showing up for class at 7:30am, so we missed the lesson on the 7 habits.  After breakfast, we quickly met up and left for the Hobby Center,where the kids were going to be STARS of the High School Musical.  The instructor simplified a number from the musical titled "Together"down to several routines and taught the students the basics to dancing.  Although the students didn't get to do all three elements of a musical, which I learned, involves dancing, singing, and acting, they still got to experience the learning process of a dance routine.  They also learned a few moves, which was way cool~ I didn't want to embarrass the kids by joining in because they all know that once Ms. Frankie gets out there the spotlight will be on her!  Haha, yeah, not!  Learning to dance is very much like teaching.always through repetition and scaffolding on what the kids already know.  In the end, the kids did pretty well and the instructor complimented on our effort to cooperate!  After we did our number, we received a private inside tour around the back of the theater.  That was cool, especially when we got to see the dressing room and the mechanics behind the staging area.

After that, we took a short break and went back to the hotel for lunch.  If dancing was not enough of an artistic stimulation, we went to the Contemporary Crafts Museum/Workshop for more artistic influence.  We were honored enough to have a local artist that worked with the medium of glass teaching the kids how to make their own glass magnets.  All the kids were fairly excited to work the difficult medium.  The process involves cutting up different pieces of colored glass and making a composition juxtaposing the different colors and the play on positive and negative space.  The kids were very quickly to finish their pieces to place in the kiln.  While we wait, we got a professional tour of the museum by a very experience tour guide.  I took some time away from the tour to wander around the gift shop and to visit"Sleeping Land".  The students started on their first project, which was to interview a local artist and to create a presentation that ,sells,the artist.  The kids took the project pretty seriously, coming up with questions, rehearsing the interviewing, and assigning roles to people.  That was very rewarding to watch.

By the time we went back to the hotel, the dinner that was waiting for us lifted everyone's spirit!  When we were doing the cow drive the other day, the guide spent a lot of time talking about the importance of food.  I don't think the kids understood what he was trying to get at, but they experienced it when they saw the dinner.  Since we have been here, the kids have experienced all the typical American food.  Some of them were missing rice and basic Chinese food.  So,someone must have read our minds, because we got Chinese take-out for dinner!  I wanted to take pictures of the kids sticking their faces into the dinner box, but I was too busy devouring the delicious rice that brought tears to my eyes!

The tears of joy continued when I found out that we had an early night!  I quickly retreated to my room and relaxed.  I picked out my laundry, took a long shower, and hung out in my pajamas.  Unfortunately, the kids had to work on their project.  Poor kids!

All right...Frankie is going to join the simple pleasure of life...TV and crawling in bed...Later!

PS: the video will be supplied later! I did my job!


