2013年4月17日 星期三


Taman Negara National Park 自然生態探索

心得報告者:903 韓宗諺、曾晉昇、張子胤、柳喬榮、易佳德、李承軒


今早五點多起床,吃完早餐後,大夥兒搭車前往在台灣看不到的熱帶雨林,心中不停想像裡頭有甚麼驚奇的事物在等著我們發現。從商業林立的吉隆坡前往Taman Nagera國家公園。在這四個小時上下路途,一路上由原本的高樓漸漸轉為茂密的樹林。抵達宿舍後,馬上發生令人驚嘆的事,一進宿舍就發現一隻長達半手臂的蜥蜴爬過庭園。





Forest Traveling Journey

We woke up at 5 this morning. After breakfast, we took a trip to the rainforest, which can’t be seen in Taiwan. We were looking forward to what is going to happen today on the way to the hotel. We went from the crowded urban to the Taman Nagera Nation Park. In this 4-hour bus trip, we saw the view out of the bus changing from buildings to lustrous trees. After we arrived at the Rainforest Resort, the hotel where we live, we saw a lizard whose length is half of my arm crawled through the garden.

We ate the Malaysian traditional foods: the lamb curry, fresh salad, and the fried eggplants. The most unforgettable food was the green curry. When we first saw its color, we thought that we might not like it, but after we tasted it, we couldn’t stop from eating. It was amazing and not oily. The flavor of the curry with the lamb was so special that we couldn’t experience it in other places. Besides, there was a beverage which has also a very special taste. It was kind of like soda, but without the carbon dioxide, and it was also kind of like black tea.

After a little lunch break, finally we were heading to the rainforest. Today was still really hot; we got all sweaty and nasty just by walking. We all put mosquito terminator and suntan lotion on before entering the rainforest.

We had to pass by a river before getting in to the rainforest; our tour guide was a really friendly Malaysian. He introduced every kind of tropical plants and animals, and we even saw a deer! I was too exhausted that I didn’t want to talk. There were so many insects, and the weather was so hot. I kept on sweating, and I was in a bad mood. But near the end of the trip, we saw a river. I got excited, and I wanted to dive in there right away. After the group photo was taken, I screamed so that everyone sprays water on me, I felt relaxed and joyful. The two classes had a water fight against each other at last. This trip was wonderful and amazing.






Malaysia’s forest exploration trip

After the dinner, the sun went down, and the sky turned dark. Different from the hot weather during the morning, the cold wind blowed instead. Everyone gathered quickly, following the local guide in Malaysia. We entered the forest that was full of darkness and mysteries.

Our guide took flashlight searching for insects and snakes, but everyone expected to find tigers instead. The guide said tigers will only appear in August and told us a story about them: a hunter hunted in the forest and accidently met a tiger. They fought together but at last the hunter failed, which caused all his family to be killed by the tiger.

After finishing the story, the guide told us to switch off all the flash lights and look up in the sky. There were no stars, which meant that the rain would be coming soon. We saw lots of creatures during the trip, like the deer we saw in the morning, Trimeresurus Stejnegeri on the top of trees, and many disgusting centipedes. The most impressive creature were the gigantic Millipede and the invisible spider. However, everyone still expected to see snakes.

We rested on a platform; looked over on an open space that the guide pointed at. He explained to us with a Malaysian accent that we could usually find elephants or leopards in the open space, but unfortunately, with no moon and stars appearing in the sky, we didn’t discover any animals. There was a small rain when we went back, so everyone took out the rain coats immediately. We prepared to go back to the hotel with a little disappointment. That was the end of our one hour forest exploration

Although we didn’t see creatures like snakes or leopards that we expected to explore at first, we still learned a lot about insects and plants that we could never find in the city.

This forest exploration trip brought us an experience that we will never forget.

2013馬新國際教育之旅 Day3:馬來西亞Taman Negara National Park自然生態探索之旅
更多精彩照片就在 活動花絮 裡喔!

