2013年4月20日 星期六



心得報告者:904 蔡爾德、易佳德、黃卉君、柳喬榮、余家菱、吳玟伶、









我們點了一碗用醬油膏和帶一點腥味的蚵仔麵線和黑嘛嘛的甜不辣,還有豪大雞排… …等,不可的是有告示牌提醒顧客要用「湯匙」吃蚵仔麵線和「不提供切雞排」的服務,說這樣才是道道地地的台灣人吃法!之後還買了三家不同的珍珠奶茶,第一家的奶茶是用奶茶粉泡成的,第二家則是用奶精製成的,最後一家而是充滿了糖!沒有一樣是符合台灣的標準,最合口味的大概是還大雞排吧!

接近集合時間時,出現了五位超人在903班,他們買了相同的衣服,分別是PorterDioBernardYenTony 吸引了全場目光!他們還和當地也穿超人一的女生打招呼,逗著校長、老師、同學哈哈大笑!


Time flies, and it is the sixth day of the educational trip, which means the half of the journey has passed.

In the morning, we went to Sambo Well(三寶井) and the Bukit China (三寶山). According to the history, it was the shelter which Zheng He(鄭和) took in the pacific in the Malacca(麻六甲). There were some sailors who died and were buried here, which became (義山) afterwards. Although it was a mountain full of tombs, there was not any spooky feeling. Instead, it gave us a harmony one. The tour guide said that local people are always jogging and relaxing here. Zheng He(鄭和)taught Malaysians how to build Sambo Well(三寶井. In front of the well, the was a statue of Zheng He(鄭和) ,but it was not for praying because Muslims only pray for Allah. I heard Zheng He was 210 cm tall, and what impressed me the most was that almost every historical person was over 180 cm tall. For example, Confucius and Guan Yu. The water here was fresh and had high surface tension, so the water surface could go higher than the cup. I drank, expecting some unique taste from it, but it was just the same as normal H2o; I got a little bit of disappointed.

Next we headed to the St. Paul’s Church. The painting “ The Last Meal” might be real. We heard something really surprising: If you say “Allah” without believing in Islam, then you will have to pay a fine.

We climbed up the stairs to see old buildings. Something special happened: we saw a person playing the guitar, so we crowed up around him. Then our handsome and talented guitar prince Ken challenged him. It was an interesting battle. In my opinion, Ken won.

The guide fooled us by telling us the lunch must be eaten with hands, but they still gave us forks and spoons. The food was delicious; I liked the curry, although it was spicy.

For conclusion, the trip was amazing with lots of surprises.

After the lunch, our leader guided us to the Strait of Malacca. Everyone were fascinated by the wonderful view, and refused to get off the bus. Later on, we went to a huge shopping mall, Heroes' Square(英雄廣場). There were many fake products but also many real ones. We saw there as a night market with air conditioning. Food courts also have a store called Shihlin, selling all those Taiwanese foods.

We ordered a Soy Sauce, oyster noodle that was a little bit stinky, Tempura that was really black, and big fried chicken meat. There were also warning cards such as, “Need to use spoons for the noodles” or “Fried chicken meat doesn’t provide cutting service”, and those services were just as Taiwanese! We also bought three different kinds of bubble tea: the first one was made of milk tea powder, the second one was of creamer, and the last one was full of sugars. None of them tasted as delicious as that in Taiwan.

At the gather time, five supermen appeared at class 903! This five people were Porter, Dio, Bernard, Yen, and Tony, all of whom bought he same superman shorts. They attracted all the sights of passers-by and also said hello to girls that wore the same clothes as them. They made the vice principal, teachers, and all other students laugh so cheerfully!
The last place we went was the Junker Walk. Because of the pronunciation, we thought we were going to go to the airport at first! Junker Walk was a street full of Malaysian cultural elements. One of the temples there was Guanyin temple. There were many wall sculptures of tiny people on the top of the roof, who looked like Westerns when you saw them closely. They were all working hard building houses and temples. The sculpture was actually a way for Chinese people to vent their anger of being enslaved by Westerners.

2013馬新國際教育之旅 Day6:麻六甲古城
更多精彩照片就在 活動花絮 裡喔!

