2014年5月8日 星期四




902  顏利蓁、陳思儒、林哲宇、陳沛甫、林家德、吳育緹







Most of the water that Singapore used is brought from Malaysia and reserviors. And the reason why Singapore and Malaysia signed a contract of water is that Singapore is too small and the population is too many. It makes Singapore become a country that has the least water supply for each person around the world.

We came to NEWater Vistor Centre at 10:30 to know how Singapore face the problem of water. Because the problem of water, Singapore signed the contract of buying water from Malaysia. The contract was signed in 1961, and it will expire in 2016. Singapore don’t want to continue the contract because Malaysia increased the price of water and threatened Singapore by stopping the water. So Singapore tried to solve the problem by themselves. They used the “newater” to solve the problem, they think it can produce 50% of the water they used at 2060.

We knew that only 0.8% of water on the earth is drinkable. Singapore gets the water mainly from the rain. The rain comes to their reservoir, then the water will be cleaned and the people will use it. The used water will be recycled again, and this time the water will be cleaned more carefully. After that, the water will be clean and the people in Singapore will use it again.

The water of Singapore came from four ways. The first is local catchment. The second is imported water. The third is newater and the last is desalinated sea water.

There are 3 steps to produce the newater. The first is pumping the water into a stick. The surface of the stick is full of little holes about 0.04mm. The second step is pumping the water into a stick again, but this time the holes on the stick are much smaller, only about 0.0004mm. After this step, the water will be very clean and drinkable. The third step is to use UV light to kill the bacteria and virus left. These steps can recycle 75% of the water, the other 25% is dirty water that can’t be used.

They got the idea from NASA. NASA use a similar way to recycle the astronauts’ water. The molecule of H2O is very small, so they can use small holes to clean the water, and keep the bacteria outside of the holes. Some people who visited the newater factory still can’t believe the water is clean because the water came from used water like toilet, but everyone believe it at last because they give you a bottle of newater, and everyone agree it’s clean after drinking it. We have some classmates even took some more after drinking it.





We went to the famous visiting location – Sentosa. According to our tour guide, Sentosa was first called Blakang Matti, where the pirates split up their booty. Our destination today was the world’s largest aquarium; it’s special for its combination with Zeng He’s expedition. We went into a 4D movie theater, which took us to a journey toward a different world. We were taken to the entrance of the aquarium as we’re watching the movie. Along the path, there were many different kinds of fishes, it was like exploring a new world.

Our schedules were all indoors; it’s probably the coolest day in the trip. After visiting the aquarium, we went to a place where we can take luge and sky tram. Luge is a ride that takes you down the track and you can take the sky tram back to the top. There were many of us racing each other as our way down, or screaming on the sky tram. It was actually interesting.

We’ll be back to Taiwan in two more days. After going through these different experiences, it felt like all of us have learned many new things. After seeing different things, it made me understand that there are more to learn from other countries. I believe that we’ve learned and grew through this educational trip to Malaysia and Singapore.





Today’s trip was crazy, we played a cool game called Luge .It’s like a skateboard but with a little difference. You sit on the Luge and you can control it by yourself. If you pull the handle up, the Luge will start to move. We played so fast that we almost bumped in together, but it was fun. There were two roads in the game, and you needed to keep changing your side on one of them, and controlled it very careful on the other or you might be hurt easily. At last it was really a nice trip, wish I can play it again next time.(陳沛甫)

今天下午去海事博物館,裡面是有關鄭和下西洋的歷史,它用多種方式來呈現過程,例如:動化劇場、4D體驗劇場等等,來加深我們的印象、趣味化。樓下則是全世界最大的水族館,我們看到各式各樣以前不曾看過的海洋生物、巨大的水族箱、環繞式的水族箱,個個令人嘖嘖稱奇。 接下來我們到了一個像遊樂場的區域玩「溜溜車」,我們對這個名字並不熟悉,非常好奇它到底是什麼樣的遊樂設施,好險工作人員有向我們解釋怎麼操作,我們玩溜溜車溜下山,再坐雙腳懸空的纜車上山,沿途看到新加坡的風景,真的很壯觀。(吳育緹)




中學部馬新國際教育旅行 Day10新生水海事博物館、S.E.A.海洋館、溜溜車、高空吊椅

更多活動照片都在 2014 馬新國際教育旅行 Day010活動紀實 喔!


