2014年5月5日 星期一



9c Sean Hsu 許翔恩、Sean Ma 馬永晏、Jack Yang 楊政穎、Kevin Renn 任作欣
  Jay Yin 印維傑、Wayne Chen 陳威澄、James chiang 江富生



我們在烹飪學校學到的第一道菜是泰式海鮮酸辣湯(Dong Yam Gong)再來是泰式香蕉糕,泰式椰奶綠咖喱,泰式炒麵。做泰國菜的過程中,我們學到泰式料理跟台式料理的差異性,並且增進自己的廚藝,也在過程中增進跟同學們之間的默契。下午我們前往清邁歷史文化館,了解清邁的歷史以,也了解泰國皇室間的紛爭。後來前往搭乘嘟嘟車,也就是當地的三輪計程車,我們搭乘嘟嘟車前往當地的古蹟,參訪古蹟的同時我們了解泰國宗教性建築,學到泰國的建築宗教文化。我們參觀的廟原本建立的用途是在當地推廣佛教,舉行大型的集會以及皇家儀式,也是當地人的信仰中心。透過參訪這些富有宗教文化以及歷史意義的地方,我們更加了解清邁的宗教。


Thailand is a very historical country, and it is also full of culture and a lot of materials in the food. Today we understood Thai food and the food’s culture in the cooking school. It is also one of a kind in the architecture and religion.

Today we went to the cooking school and learned how to cook “real” Thai food. Because of the climate, Thai food is mostly sour and spicy, and it uses a lot of spices. Before cooking the food, we went to the market to learn the materials.

The first dish we learned is “Dong Yam Gong”. Next, we learned the banana cake. Next, we learned Thai Green Curry. Last but not least, we learned stir fried noodles. While cooking Thai food, we learned the difference between Thai food and Taiwanese food, and we increased our skills of cooking. We also increased the friendship between each other. During the afternoon, we went to Chiang Mai history museum and understood the history and culture of Chiang Mai. Later, we went to ride the Doo Doo Car(the taxi there). We went to a historical ruin, and learned about Thai culture. The place we visited was originally used for honoring the gods. After we went there, we understood more of the culture and history of Chiang Mai.

After all, we understood Thai religion and culture through the events we went through today. Although we were physically exhausted, our mind is filled of knowledge of the different cultures.



