2014年5月6日 星期二




9E 徐沛吟、李宜庭、林芳羽、黃歆茹、張拓野、林易辰


Our journey started on the special overnight train from Chiang Mai to Bangkok. Our emotions went to the highest peak while the sun rose above the horizon. Everyone was desperate to see what Bangkok is going to be like. Our first stop was the floating market. We sat on the boat and despite the fact that the heat from the sun was searing hot, it didn't stop us from learning more about the culture of Thailand. The atmosphere of the market soon made us forget about the nearly unbearable temperature. Before the second stop we went to a special Thai food restaurant. The Volcano Shrimp was the most unforgettable part of the meal. The waiter poured alcohol on a volcano shaped container and it lighted on with the shrimp inside. The red flame burst out of the volcano as if a real volcano erupted; it included all the excitement of a real volcano, but minus the lava. The shrimp was really well cooked. While at the restaurant, we also celebrated the birthdays of two fellow classmates. Our second stop was at the Chocolate Ville. It had actually little to do with chocolate, and more of a theme restaurant with really “sweet” buildings. Our phones and cameras never left our hands. For the third stop, we went to Terminal 21. It is an airport themed shopping mall, with a different design based on a specific country on each floor. It’s a really creative concept for a shopping mall, and we took quite a lot of pictures. Finally, our journey ended for the day when we reached our hotel, Ramada Plaza. We look forward to our interactions with Thailand students tomorrow.

今天我們搭著長途列車到達曼谷,起來看到朝陽緩緩的上升,心中很激動。第一站,我們到了水上市場,天氣非常的炎熱,曬得皮膚彷彿燒起來了;但是即使是這樣,市場的泰國風情也讓我們忘記了炎熱,專注在市集的熱鬧買賣中。去第二站之前,我們稍作休息吃了特殊的泰式料理。其中,最令我們印象深刻的非火山燒烤明蝦莫屬了;一個火山的造型圍繞著中間的明蝦,倒上米酒大烤,好不豪邁啊!吃午餐之餘,還慶祝了兩位同學的生日。第二站,我們到了名義上的巧克力村。雖然實質上沒有任何巧克力,但是甜蜜風格的建築與裝飾令人無法招架,每個同學都手機、相機不離手,沉浸在夢幻的「巧克力」世界中。第三站,我們來到了Terminal 21,一間很有異國風情的百貨公司。以機場風格的設定,每一層樓有不同國家的主題,是一間充份展現出創意的百貨公司。我們一天的行程在抵達飯店時結束了。大家都很期待明天與泰國學伴的互動。


2014港泰國際教育之旅(A組)Day8當能莎朵水上市場、Terminal 21

