2014年5月7日 星期三



901  張育慈、巫曼均、葉子翔、徐榕澤、王貝如、閻道蘊




Singapore started the Intergraded Programme which allowed some students with better grades to attend a six years course, skipped the "O" level examinations and took the “A” level examinations six years later. It was also called the Through-Train Programme. They used modern and special education system. The using of both western and eastern cultures gave them chances to have different ways to learn their math, science and language.

 Marina Bay Sands covers an area of 15.5 hectares. There is a hotel, convention and exhibition facilities, theatres, entertainment venues, retailers, and restaurants. The Helix Bridge is the bridge connecting the hotel and the highway.



Today was our second day visiting Dun Man junior high school. After our communication with the local students, we found out there were a lot of differences between the education in Taiwan and in Singapore. Students here could choose their course, and when they had no class, we could see a little table surrounded by quiet students. This is worthy to learn. In the first period we had biology class, although we have learned it before, learning it with English was still difficult! Today we had basketball competition. We have tried to do our best but still lost the game.

In the afternoon we went to visit different cultures such as India culture, Islam culture and Chinese culture. Every culture has its own special feature. No matter to which religious or culture, we should keep a respect attitude, and accept people from different cultures.


中學部馬新國際教育旅行 Day9新加坡德明政府中學、新加坡歷史之旅、多元文化之旅

更多活動照片都在 2014 馬新國際教育旅行 Day09 活動紀實 喔!


