2014年5月8日 星期四




9C ShellyJanetWadeJasonEnderlaSamantha

This morning, we went to Wells International School and had class activity with them. They’re very friendly and it’s easy to fit in with them. We also realized that they can use their cellphone during school time. They used lunch tickets to purchase their lunch, which was fresh and novel to us. The teachers weren’t keeping watch on the students during recess. However, the students at Wells maintained well behavior, which is something we should learn. During PE class, we found out that the sports they play in Thailand are very different than in Taiwan. They prefer volleyball and soccer. They also like basketball like us. Moreover, the Wells teachers and students focus a lot in extracurricular activities, such as musicals, choruses, and traditional cultural performances. Music class in Wells was very exciting. We had a lot of fun and enjoyed it a lot. After we left Wells, we headed back to the hotel of a short rest. Briefly after the rest, we headed to Asiatique. It wasn’t as crowded as the night markets in Taiwan. However, they sell many exotic products, such as fried bananas, specially flavored crepe. Prices here are significantly lower than in Taiwan; beautiful dresses are even cheaper than ordinary clothes in Taiwan. Shortly after we ate dinner, we went to watch a live Thai boxing performance. The lightings and special effects were fascinating. Their moves were synchronized and nicely organized. There was action mixed with comedy, and in the final act, the bride threw a bouquet at the audience, from which applauses erupted. We would be heading home three days later. We would like to appreciate the school and the principle for the opportunity to learn about Thai culture. The nicely scheduled events were very interesting, allowing us to learn with ease. This trip has certainly been an unforgettable one.


今天早上,我們去WELLS國際學校跟他們一起上課,他們非常友善而且容易親近,我們同時發現他們可以在學校使用手機,他們學校午餐用餐卷來購買食物,十分有趣。下課時雖然老師不會管他們,但他們也能自律,這點非常值得學習。當我們在上體育課時發現他們的運動項目和我們很不同,他們比較重視排球和足球,但是和我們一樣,他們也喜歡打籃球,另外,他們還很重視一些多元的活動 像是歌舞劇、合唱團和民俗技藝,他們音樂課程比我們更要活潑生動。我們離開威爾斯國際學校後,先回到飯店休息之後到夜市。泰國的夜市沒有我們的那麼熱鬧,不過他們有各式各樣的賣品,譬如小吃有炸香蕉和特殊口味的可麗餅,賣品價格也沒有我們那麼貴。有些別緻的禮服甚至比普通衣服還便宜,接著我們到了泰拳LIVE的表演場地,音效和燈光讓人印象深刻,音效和動作合在一起,還有搞笑的片段。最後表演中的新娘把捧花丟給觀眾,讓全場轟動。





