2014年5月3日 星期六



9E ArielCindyFandyJasmineMartina,William

今天早上去了大象學校,學到了許許多多跟大象有關的事,也被大象聰明程度與靈敏度感到震驚與敬佩。在騎乘大象的過程中,觀察到美麗的景色,拍到許多照片。在過程中,大象騎起來頗為顛頗,害我們大家冒了不少冷汗。我們戰戰兢兢地越過河流,體驗到意想不到的感覺我們還去泛舟,大家分組穿上護具救生衣以及安全帽,由有經驗的救生員帶領我們體驗有趣的泛舟,我們齊心合力的划著槳, 遇到急流時大家停槳抓著繩子,有的女生還小小尖叫了一下,水便潑向了我們,大家的衣褲都難逃一死,該濕的都濕了泛舟完成後我們到風景美麗如畫的黑森林餐廳用美味的泰國餐之後我們去夜間動物園,看到許多平時難以見到的動物,餵了許多動物吃胡蘿蔔與香蕉也結束了今天非常精采與有趣的一天

Today we went to the elephant park, and we are amazed by the elephant’s cleverness. We saw many beautiful view and took many pictures when we were riding the elephant. In the trip it’s a bit bump, we went through the river with anxious feeling this is the experience we never had. Everyone were splash by the dirty and icy water. Girls screamed when the water hit us. After that, we went to the beautiful restaurant to have delicious Thai food, we can feel the Thai culture by their spicy and sour food. After we have dinner, we went to the night zoo. We saw many animals we never seen before. Feeding the animal is a great experience for us.



