2014年5月4日 星期日


Jungle Flight


9F 李承翰、江孟辰、黃群祐、黃省三、陳凱琳、莊以安

Waking up today, I felt sluggish and sapped of energy, but as my classmates and I arrived at the base of Jungle Flight, the energy was immediately pumped back into my system.  We were separated into groups and quickly got dressed into our gears before heading out to the site. The place was astounding. Wires upon wires were intertwined and connected between trees of massive height. Endless screams of excitement and shouts were echoed through the lush forest. Judging by the zeal shown by others, I can picture that soaring through the ocean of green will be exhilarating! After being introduced to the event and instructed how to operate the gears, we learnt that the fun and excitement will have to be for us to explore and experience.

There were around thirty platforms around the jungle for us to traverse and enjoy. Every platform was interesting and unique. There were exciting ones, scary ones, and most importantly, fun and exciting ones. The wind was howling as we glided across the wires. It was as if we were on rollercoasters. All of us felt like Tarzan, jumping from tree to tree with the speed of the wind. There were other cool facilities such as walking across precipitous planks as well as riding on “skateboards”.

This whole experience was new, fun, and exciting for us. Under nature’s nurture and care, we relished the experience of being able to fly across from tree to tree. Today is a day that would be unforgettable.

We were refreshed and heading to the banquet after taking a break in our hotel rooms for a few hours. When we arrived at the scene, we were surrounded by cameras flashing at us with the beautiful restaurant. We experienced the way royalties used to eat 700 years ago. We were soon presented with traditional northern Thai food and dances. Everyone had a wonderful time and some of us even joined the dancers for the traditional performances. After the meal, we went to release the sky lanterns. All friends gathered around, made their wishes, and released our dreams and wishes into the night sky.

今天起床時仍覺得很累,可是到了jungle flight的基地就覺得精神都來了,我們一組一組的換上裝備確保安全後驅車前往探索現場。場面是壯觀的。一條條繩索和一道道身影穿梭於樹林之間,尖叫聲不絕於耳,能預感翱翔與綠色的海洋中有多刺激,經過教練介紹後,我們瞭解一切都要靠自己來探索。



今天的活動中,我們沉靜在森林的芬多精中 ,探索更加真實的自我。在導遊的講解下,我們又增長了許多文化知識,就像一場歷史的心靈洗禮。就讓我們懷著期待的心情迎接炫麗的下一天。



