2014年5月7日 星期三


Thoughts of the education of Thailand and the difference with Taiwan

9F    林婕米 Jamie、高才恩 Nadia、丘安娜 Anna、林孜穎 Maggie、史欣蓉 Sarah
  姚舜 Alex、陳奕豪 Howard.

Today, the ninth grade of Kang Chiao International School visited Thai-Chinese International School. We learned so much about Thai language, Thai culture, and their music classes.

In the Thai language class, we learned basic Thai phrases. For example, “sawadi” means “hello”, and “kabkun” means “thank you”. The interesting part is that unlike the English and Chinese languages, the Thai language has different ending phrases for females and males. Females end phrases with “ka” and males end with “krab”. These ending phrases show respect, so we now know how to properly address Thai people. We also learned the major tourist destinations and the differences between the four regions of Thailand. The teacher taught us about Thai traditions, such as the making of decorative tissue paper lanterns. They looked like the fish lanterns of Japan. Most of us thought they looked like floating jellyfish.

The music class in TCIS is significantly different from the music class in KCIS. The school we visited today has a wide range of instruments. Also their band takes classes in groups, each taught by one of two teachers. In KCIS, the music bands are taught by one single teacher and they practice in non-class hours like lunch time, holidays, and after school.

Thailand’s education in general also differs from Taiwan’s. Thailand’s education system is similar to the American education system in that high school begins from ninth grade and the government has strict rules of how and what the schools should teach.

We believe that future ninth grade students of KCIS would enjoy this exchange program even more than we did if certain suggestions are taken. We did not feel very welcome at this school like we felt in Shenzhen. Many of us often felt ignored by both students and the teachers. In general, we greatly enjoyed this learning experience, and would like to come back here in the near future.



在泰文課時,我們學習到泰文的基本用語。例如,”sawadi” 代表你好, “Kabkun”表示感謝。泰文與中英文不同的地方是,不同性別需要用不同的結語。女性的結語是,則男性是。這些結語表現出尊敬,並讓我們知道泰國人們之間的交流方式。我們還認識到泰國各地重要的觀光景點和四大地區的話差異。老師教我們如何剪裁製作屬於自己的泰國傳統裝飾。這個傳統裝飾的外表與日本的鯉魚旗長得極為相似。但是因為他蓬鬆的外形,讓我們聯想到水母。







