2014年5月1日 星期四




We traveled from Hong Kong to Chiang Mai, Thailand today. We observed Hong Kong International Airport and thought that the facilities there were similar to those in Taoyuan International Airport, including beverage machines, yellow warning lines and other systems. However, after a more close-up observation, we found some differences. First, it was the size. The size of Hong Kong Airport is much bigger than that in Taoyuan City. The airport was spotless in most of the areas and one facility really impressed us, which was the subway service in the airport. The subway allowed passengers to transport quickly between two terminals. The design of the airport could trace back to 1979. Investigation group adopted the blueprint of Taoyuan International Airport as a reference to design the Hong Kong Airport. Hong Kong International Airport’s stratum was based on a land filled by mud where used to be sea so it’s an impressive design and also a huge project. Furthermore, the driver’s seats in Taiwan and China are on the left side, but the drivers’ seats in Hong Kong and Thailand are on the right. The vehicles that travel between Shenzhen and Hong Kong have double plates, which interested and amazed us a lot. When we arrived at Shenzhen customs, we saw crowds of people waiting to pass the border. Most of these people were Chinese who bought milk powder and soy sauce from Hong Kong. On our flight to Chiang Mai, we encountered air turbulence. We were shocked and scared like mice chased by cats, but the pilot overcame the air turbulence, and successfully landed in Chiang Mai.



今天我們從香港赤蠟角機場到泰國。我們觀察了香港機場 ,以為跟桃園機場設施差不多,飲料機,黃線條步道和其它制度等等,但仔細觀察後,香港機場的設施與我們桃園機場卻有些差異。香港機場的規模不亞於桃園機場 , 許多細小的地方保持的一塵不染 , 香港機場還有個讓我們映像深刻的設施 , 就是機場內的捷運 , 可以迅速地來回不同的航站 , 香港機場的最初設計可以追溯至1979年香港考察團赴台灣及採用桃園機場的設計藍圖于預定興建的新機場 , 香港機場將原有的兩個島嶼填海連結而成 . 還有台灣的巴士方向通常是在左邊但香港的巴士卻是在右邊 ,且許多車子因為方便穿梭于深圳與香港國界之間而是擁有雙牌照的,真是令我們大開眼界 . 到了邊關 ,也就是香港與中國的邊界 ,看到許多來自中國的居民與香港的居民在這過關 ,在排隊時,也深深體會到中國人的多與排隊的辛苦。這些人是從香港買奶粉和醬油的中國人。在我們搭乘香港到泰國的飛機時,我們遇上北風所帶給我們的亂流,那飛機的起伏程度讓我們大家心驚膽跳,但也帶給我們了一個很特別的回憶!





1 則留言:

  1. “香港機場的最初設計可以追溯至 1979 年香港考察團赴台灣及採用桃園機場的設計藍圖于預定興建的新機場”

    香港國際機場是由英國名建築師“諾曼·福斯特”Lord Norman Foster設計的。

    震驚!原來這位國際有名的頂級建築大師是拿臺灣桃園機場的設計藍圖來興建香港國際機場的!哈哈~ 真是聞所未聞啊~

