2014年5月2日 星期五



902  顏利蓁陳思儒林哲宇陳沛甫林家德吳育緹


健行這段路讓許多人又回到當初登山訓練爬的二格山,路途中我們的嚮導A-WANG給我們看了許多不同品種的葉子。例如“毛毛葉“只要加上一點水搓成泡泡就可以止血,加到水裡面還可以減少內傷的疼痛。之後在路途中還有發現昨天晚上原本綻放的一夜花,今天已如它們的名稱凋謝了下來,不過還是很漂亮。 不過最讓人感到不可思議的是嚮導找到這雨林中體積最大的螞蟻,往上看從高大的板根樹看下來,有一條黑線從上而下延伸。嚮導叫我們注意看,原來這條黑線是由螞蟻大軍排隊行走所形成的,看到令人毛骨悚然也令我們驚異。雨林中的生命的堅韌,嚮導在行走當中,若遇到昆蟲必繞道而行,並教導我們萬物皆有靈要尊重生命。



This morning we headed to the jungle for the 45 meters tall bridge journey and the rain forest habitat experiment. Somewhere in everybody's mind it went up and down. Although the hot climate tortured everyone with sweating and fainting, we never gave up and ended it all up with a smile.

The hiking gave us a reminder of the Er Ge Mountain that we climbed before for training. Our guide A-WAN showed us different types of leafs. Some of them, such as furry leafs, were herbs that can stop wounds from bleeding if goes with water. We then saw the one-night blossom flower that we saw yesterday at the night tour on the ground. It proved that the natives did not name it for nothing, and still it’s very beautiful. The most unusual thing was that our guide A-WANG found the biggest ant in the rain forest.  Looking from our height, we saw the dark path moving up and down on the tree. Our guide told us to take a good look on that, then we found out the dark path was made of a huge ant army, and it gave us goose bumps and we were frightened. All the wildlife of the rain forest have found a way  to live. When there were insects on our way, our guide always led us to another way, so that way we wouldn’t disturb their nature living , in this way he taught us to respect mother nature.

One of the most exciting thing in our tour was a bridge which was  45 meters in height and 450 meters in length. We were all very curious and scared when we’re up there, and most of us didn't even know what to do. After all it was kind of strong and safe. We all walked on the path with great horror. On one hand the height scared the crap out of us, on the other hand we were amazed by tree top habitats, fascinated by the species different from Taiwan. 

With the spirit of climbing Jia Ming Lake, we conquered the forest’s top spot. The sweat of us boiled because of the hot climate in Southeast Asia. We lifted our heavy bodies in the middle of the sun light and went back to our hotel for good rest, preparing for our visit to the tribes in the afternoon.




Today is the fourth day in Malaysia, we went on the boat after our morning tour in the rain forest and heading to Malay Village. On our way to the village, all of the boats started a race and everyone was wet from head to toe. Laughter burst from everywhere, it’s probably the most joyful time for all of the students.

Malay Village is a small place where the local natives live. The locals used different kinds of natural elements from the forest and created a special, unique way of living. They demonstrated how to use simple things to make fire and blow pipe. And if a villager died, they would hang their body on a tall tree because they believed that would make them closer to the god. The locals had a very different way of thinking from us; for instance, one must knew how to hunt, make fire or have good skills to be allowed to get married. Our tour guide told us that once a girl has become fifteen years old, she is considered a full grown woman. (One of our classmates could shoot the target accurately; the tour guide said that he could actually marry a wife!) The locals let us try to make fire and use blow pipes like a hunter. We left the village after giving treats and gifts to the kids there.

After visiting where the Malaysia natives live, I understood their culture and way of living. I was really impressed by the way they used natural resources in their daily life. They didn’t use any industrial products in the process of making the blow pipe. It made me wonder, how can I wasted so many things when they didn’t? Despite the weather was desperately hot and irritating, I couldn’t help myself but enjoyed this trip. I felt that I’ve really opened my eyes and saw more different things in the world. The trip made me understand that you can also learn knowledge not only in school, but also out of school.  

The trip today was great, and it was so hot that we got sweaty before we started. First we got on the boat, and when we got on the seat, the tour guide started splashing water at us. I wanted to say, “What’s wrong with you?” Then the water came over my head, I was wet but it felt awesome. At that very moment, the heat disappeared, and then we played with each other. We raced and we poured water at each other, we had so much fun in the little boat.

Then we went to a little clan, we learned a lot of things there, like using bamboos to make fire. At the end of the trip, we brought gifts to children of the clan, it’s a happy day .
 今天下午拜訪了當地原住民聚落,而我們的代步工具是泛舟,各組互相撥水,雖然大家全身都溼透了,但我們很樂在其中,也感到非常新鮮,這是我們沒有體驗過的活動。 到了村落,當地嚮導向我們介紹許多日常生活中的工具,我們感到驚奇,看似平凡的樹木居然有這些功用,我們也將帶來的零食分送給他們.今天的經驗非常特別,我印象非常深刻。


中學部馬新國際教育旅行 Day4瓜拉大漢國家公園馬來村

更多活動照片都在 2014 馬新國際教育旅行 Day04 活動紀實 喔!



