2014年5月6日 星期二





901 王名呈、陳品學、林昀、張于文、莊睿紘、林昶均

德明政府中學 DHS

  • 校史沿革
  1. 願景:心繫祖國、放眼世界。
  2. 校訓:誠、信、勇、忠。
  3. 班級數:全校52班,共1,600人,每班36人。
  • 高才教育實施簡述
  1. 招生:以國小畢業之後或直接參加個別學校的推甄入學,或依全國學力會考優良成績進入中學高才班。
  2. 課程:採用一般教科書為主要教材,但是教師和學生可以自主的創新,改變教材教法。
  3. 部分科目實施,係依照學生的程度進行分組教學,如華語、電腦。
Built in the October 14, 1956
  • School History
  1. Vision: heart of the motherland, look far to the world.
  2. motto: Honesty, trustworthiness, courage, loyalty.
  3. the number of classes: 52 school classes, a total of 1,600 people, 36 people per class.
  • high class education implemented brief
  1. Admission: after graduation from elementary to participate directly individual schools or recommendation track admission, or according to the National Examination excellent scholastic achievements into middle school on account of high class.
  2. Courses: using the general textbooks as the primary teaching, but teachers and students can self-innovation, changing the teaching materials and methods.
  3. The implementation of some of the subjects, in accordance with the degree of student group teaching, such as Chinese, computers.

This morning we go to DHS and have a visit. We joined their morning assembly, and they divided us into a few groups to have a group activity. This activity made the Singaporean students and us become more familiar. This visit let us see the differences between KCBS and DHS, and let us have new, special experience.





In Singapore they have four semesters per year, ten weeks in each semester. The students learn with English except in Chinese classes. The Ministry of Education asks every student to learn the native language.

飛禽公園 Bird Park

全球最大覆蓋式飛禽公園,一個讓鳥兒自由飛翔的家。在1991年成立。位於寧靜優美的吉隆坡湖濱公園。這裡擁有全世界大部份的各種鳥類,由一個很大的網將整座飛禽公園包圍起來。這些鳥類皆被安排生活在依據它們的自然棲息地而設的環境中。吉隆坡飛禽公園養育超過200種國外及本地鳥類品種,總數超過3,000隻。 佔地约20.9英畝的公園,劃分成4個區域; 區域12组成自由飛行區域; 區域3是犀鳥公園,而區域4是獨立龍養和微型鳥舍的安置處。吉隆坡飛禽公園最特別的是自由飛行概念,鳥兒能在裡面自由飛翔,自然美妙的環境給人扣人心弦地賞鳥經驗。

The Bird Park is the largest bird park around the world that covered by net. In here it has most of the birds in the world. The special feature of this bird park is that birds can fly freely in this park, which is built just like their original habitats.



Today we came to the bird park. We have seen many birds. There were many special things in this park, like the world biggest man-made waterfall, birds flying shows and a show called “The King of the Sky”.When we finished our visit, we felt very excited and happy.

小販中心 Hawker Center

一般小販中心建於組屋或交通交匯處附近,尤其受到中下層民眾歡迎。小販中心運作模式於1950年代至1960年代開始興起,當時的小販中心因為衛生情況惡劣而知名,但後來政府開始加強管制,熟食小販需要符合一定衛生條件方能領牌營業。1990年代後期,新加坡政府開始改建小販中心改善環境,並將英文名稱由hawker centre改為food centre。新加坡的小販中心由環境及水源部屬下的國家環境、建屋發展局以及裕廊集團共同管轄,但由國家環境局管理。時至20世紀,新加坡的小販中心逐漸被美食廣場取代。

General hawker center was built near the HDB or transport interchanges, especially welcome by the lower classes. At the beginning, the hawker center became famous because of its bad environment. But in the late 1990s, the government started to improve the quality of the hawker center, and changed its name from hawker center to food center. In 20th century, it started to be replaced by the food court of the department store.


It was the first time we came to Singapore’s hawker center, and it gave me the same feeling as Taiwan’s night market did, but the difference between here and in Taiwan was the record of the food’s health here. This gave the hawker center many extra points, so I hope that one day the night market in Taiwan can be like this.


中學部馬新國際教育旅行 Day8新加坡德明政府中學、飛禽公園

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