2014年5月5日 星期一


探訪世界文化遺產 ─ 雞場街





A Famosa used to be one of Portugal’s forts, but it was demolished by the English. What remains now is a gate. It’s become a symbol of Melaka. The gate is one of the passages to Saint Paul Hill.

Jonker Street is one of Asians’ gathering places in Melaka. The buildings there are very special and emanate a feeling of old China. The shops here often sell ancient artifacts.

Stadthuy used to be the government’s residence. It’s consisted of red bricks.

今天其是我最期待的行程,因為今天是世界遺產之旅,我們都很喜歡世界遺產。那些東西都是以前人留下來的紀錄或者是建築,看到了那些東西可以讓我有彷彿回到了那個年代。我們第一個到的景點是葡萄牙古城門,城門是在1511年開始建造,用了一百年的時間才完成的。那裏只留了一小塊城牆,導遊有說旁邊的商場就是以前的麻六甲港,但現在已經被填海造陸了。我覺得非常可惜被英國人拆除,但我們還是很幸運可以看到。最令我印象深刻的是砲台,因為我覺得的那很酷。接著我們沿著階梯往上走到了聖保羅教堂,等到我們到了至高點,我們看了整個麻六甲海峽,上面風景真的很壯觀,這時讓我非常敬佩,因為我很難想像以前這裡是有名的大港,很多的生意人在這裡來來去去,但是這裡現在已落寞了。很難在回到昔日那繁榮的時光。而佇立在旁邊的是聖保羅教堂,他是在1521年開始建造,裡面有很多石碑,我們還看到聖方濟的石碑,它是用來紀念他曾在這裡傳教,而他也在1553年去世於麻六家海峽。更神奇的是,他的遺體被放置於教堂裡90天不會腐敗,而後人把他其中一隻手切下來研究,發現那隻手居然腐敗了。而更巧的是,教堂旁邊的雕像碰巧在建完成的當天被雷打到同一隻手!在去雞場街的時候,我們經過荷蘭紅屋,拍個照後就到了雞場街。雞場街上的東西琳琅滿目,包羅萬象,想買甚麼或看甚麼這裡都有,而且也很好逛,有點像我們台灣的西門町!中午我們去吃娘惹餐,它的特色就是把華人和馬來人的飲食文化結合在一起還有它又甜又辣,我覺得那個辣是麻,而且是麻在喉嚨,跟一般的辣是不樣的,所以我覺得很特別!而他們的甜點也非常的甜.我想如果我每餐都吃那麼甜,我可能會胖死吧!傳五餐後我們就要前往新加坡,利用plus highway 過境,我覺得很新奇,因為我從來沒有利用公路來過境.晚上就到飯店休息,準備明天的參訪學校!

Today we understood part of Melaka’s history. We first visited Stadthuy and A Famosa. We learned its story and some other interesting facts. I thought it was a pity that the English destroyed a whole lot of the architectures, but at the same time, we were very lucky to be able to see any of them at all. There were a lot of cannons there, which were very interesting because I’ve never seen them up-close.

Then we climbed up the stairs and arrived at Saint Paul Hill. The church was very mysterious. It was filled with stone slabs with carvings and also a well. Another grand thing was the view up there. You could almost see all of Melaka and the sight was incomparable. After Saint Paul Hill, we strolled over to Jonker Street. Although the weather was scorching hot, I really enjoyed walking and looking through the shops. We had fun and also discovered some of Melaka’s characteristics. And for the whole afternoon we sat on the bus resting, and at the same time looking forward to arrive  Singapore, our next destination.


中學部馬新國際教育旅行 Day7麻六甲、雞場街、新加坡

更多活動照片都在 2014 馬新國際教育旅行 Day07 活動紀實 喔!


