2014年5月7日 星期三




 9B 吳桓、黃大瑋、陳培維、楊惟翔、陳禹丞、王傳森




抵達了威爾斯學校就看到熱情的校長與主任來到校門口接我們,校長親切的笑容讓我們深刻感受到該校的熱情,到了禮堂與學伴互相見面交流,讓他們帶著我們去參觀威爾斯學校的校園。我們這次帶的學伴都是九年級以及十年級的學生,大多是容易親近的同輩。他們學校還安排了一場舞台劇。雖然說他們只有排練三個禮拜,校長表示他也是第一次驗收成果,但是我們個人覺得他們的表演水準其實相當的不錯。一會兒,我們與當地的學生進行了ㄧ場籃球友誼賽。雖然最後我們輸掉了比賽, 但我們都有儘我們最大的努力去比賽。後來我們還看了威爾斯學校排演的表演節目後,知道說在泰國要看表演之前都要肅立唱國王的歌。晚上我們去看了暹羅劇場,從中了解到泰國文化,今天算是收獲多多的一天。


Today we started with a hot shower from the 6th cabin, the air conditioner was gone after midnight. Other cabins before the 6th one had the same problem. After that we packed up our packages and got some breakfast. After returning to the hotel for shower, we went to Wells international school for education exchange.


After arrival, the principal welcomed us and bring our exchange partner. His warm smile impressed us and make us feel the school’s kindness. They take us a walk around the school. Our exchange partner are 9th and 10th graders, most of them are eager to talk and very friendly. First our school’s basketball team has a game with their basketball team. Unfortunately, we lost the game. After that we watched Wells musical performance. During the performance we learned that in Thailand they must sing the National Anthem. For our personal experience, we thank that they did a great job. Their principle is very quite impressed with their  work. In the evening, we went to the Siam Niramit (Thai Cultural Show). That was a great show. Before the show, the audience had to sing the national anthem, which interested us. The cultural show let us understand the Thai culture so that we learned a lot today.


2014港泰國際教育之旅(B組)Day8泰國威爾斯國際學校參訪 、暹羅劇場


